Synchronizing Assets

The asset scope that can be queried by Common Data Service is determined by the asset tree tag EnosCDS:true, and a single OU only supports tagging a single asset tree by default. If you need to query the data of multiple asset trees, you can create an asset synchronization task to synchronize asset data to Common Data Service.


  • You need to be assigned the required asset permission and operation permission, and a menu group containing the Asset Synchronization menu. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.
  • If you need to specify the asset synchronization task to synchronize object types from EnOS Configuration Center, Configuration Center needs to be obtained, authorized, and enabled in the current OU and the object types to be synchronized need to prepared. For more information about object types in Configuration Center, see Configuring OU Business Objects.


  1. Select Administration > Asset Synchronization from the left navigation pane. The page prompts “No available synchronization task”.

  2. Click New Task and enter the following information on the New Task page.

    Category Field Required/Optional Description
    Basic Info Synchronization Frequency Required Specify the time interval for asset synchronization. The default interval is 30 minutes.
    Basic Info Is Enabled Required Specify whether to enable the task, which is set to True by default.
    Parameter Settings Email Recipients Optional Specify the recipients to receive email notifications when the synchronization task fails.
    Parameter Settings Asset Validity Period Optional Specify the data validity period after asset synchronization. The default is 180 minutes.
    Parameter Settings Allow Multiple Asset Trees Optional Specify whether to synchronize multiple asset trees, which is set to False by default.
    Parameter Settings Synchronize Object Types From Configuration Center Optional Specify whether to synchronize object types from Configuration Center, which is set to False by default.

  3. Click OK.


After the synchronization task is created, the system will synchronize the asset data to Common Data Service at the specified time interval. You can perform the following actions on the created task.

  • Edit the task: Click Edit at the page bottom and modify the basic information and parameter settings of the task.
  • View the task logs: Expand Task Log and view the detailed task logs within a specific time period, including log ID, dispatch time, actual start/end time, and operation duration/status.