Mapping Rules of Business Metrics

When you synchronize derived metrics and compound metrics from Metric Management to Common Data Service, since the period defined by Metric Management does not exactly correspond to the query interval in Common Data Service, the following mapping rules will be adopted for metrics from Metric Management:

  • If the period of the metric is consistent with the query interval of the business metric in Common Data Service, the business metric with the query interval will be registered.
  • If the period of the metric is consistent with the time dimension of the cumulative metric in Common Data Service, the business metric will be registered with the query interval, and the corresponding cumulative metric will be registered for the business metric.

The table below details the mapping rules of metrics with different periods from Metric Management and metrics with different query intervals in Common Data Service.

Period in Metric Management Business Metric Type after Synchronization to Common Data Service Query Interval/Time Dimension in Common Data Service
This Day Cumulative metric TD: this day
Week To Date Unable to synchronize to Common Data Service No corresponding query interval/time dimension
Month To Date Cumulative metric MTD: month to date
This Month Cumulative metric TM: this month
Year To Date Cumulative metric YTD: year to date
This Year Cumulative metric TY: this year
Beginning Of Life Cumulative metric BOL: beginning of life
Custom Time Range Business Metric with corresponding query interval T: total
Latest Business Metric with corresponding query interval, and its cumulative metric with corresponding time dimension L: latest data
1min Business Metric with corresponding query interval 1m: 1 minutes
5min Business Metric with corresponding query interval 5m: 5 minutes
10min Business Metric with corresponding query interval 10m: 10 minutes
15min Business Metric with corresponding query interval 15m: 15 minutes
30min Business Metric with corresponding query interval 30m: 30 minutes
Hour Business Metric with corresponding query interval H: hour
Day Business Metric with corresponding query interval D: day
Week Business Metric with corresponding query interval W: week
Month Business Metric with corresponding query interval M: month
Quarter Business Metric with corresponding query interval Q: quarter
Year Business Metric with corresponding query interval Y: year