Query Record

Get third-party records by record type IDs.

Request Format

POST https://{api-gateway}/cds-record-service/v1.0/record?action=query

Request Parameters

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the record belongs to. How to get orgId >>
locale Query Optional String Use zh-CN, en-US, ja-JP, or es-ES. If not specified, the value is set to en_US by default.
recordTypes Body Mandatory String The record type ID which the record belongs to. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 100 record types are allowed in a single query. How to get recordTypes>>
fields Body Mandatory String The field of the record. Separate multiple fields by commas.
filter Body Optional String Specify how to filter the returned data by record fields. For example, [[{“field”:”field1”,”operator”:”>=”,”value”:”1”},{“field”:”field2”,”operator”:”<=”,”value”:”2”}],[{“field”:”field3”,”operator”:”==”,”value”:”3”}]], which means the returned data is filtered by (field1 >= 1 and field2 <= 2) or (field3=3).
orderBy Body Optional String Specify how to sort the returned data by record fields. For example, [{“field”:”field1”,”order”:”ASC”}, {“field”:”field2”,”order”:”DESC”}], which means the returned data is sorted first by field1 in ascending order and then by field2 in descending order.
pageSize Body Optional Integer The number of the returned records on a single page. The default value is 100.
pageNo Body Optional Integer The number of page to be returned. The default value is 1.

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Response Parameters

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
recordType Definitely String The record type.
recordFields Definitely Object The fields of the record.
pagination Definitely Pagination Struct Describe the pagination information. See Pagination Struct.

Pagination Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
pageNo Definitely Integer The number of page to be returned, starting from 1.
pageSize Definitely Integer The number of the returned records on a single page.
totalSize Definitely Integer The total number of the returned records.


Request Sample

POST https://{api-gateway}/cds-record-service/v1.0/record?action=query&orgId=yourOrgId&locale=yourLocale
    "fields": "a,b,c",
    "filter": [[{"field":"field1","operator":">=","value":"1"},{"field":"field2","operator":"<=","value":"2"}],[{"field":"field3","operator":"==","value":"3"}]],
    "orderBy": [{"field":"field1","order":"ASC"}, {"field":"field2","order":"DESC"}],
    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageNo": 1

Response Sample

    "data": [
            "field1": "",
            "field1": "",
   "pagination": {
         "pageNo": 1,
         "pageSize": 10,
         "totalSize": 100
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "traceId": "1234567890abcdefghijkl0987654321"