Query Meta Attribute

Get meta attributes by object type IDs.

Request Format

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-meta-service/v1.0/attribute?action=query

Request Parameters

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the attribute belongs to. How to get orgId >>
mdmTypes Query Optional String The object type ID which the attribute belongs to. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 100 object type IDs are allowed in a single query. How to get mdmTypes>>
mdmIds Query/Form Optional String The object instance ID which the measurement point belongs to. Separate multiple IDs by commas. Up to 20000 object instances are allowed in a single query.
locale Query Optional String Use zh-CN, en-US, ja-JP, or es-ES. If not specified, the value is set to en_US by default.
withI18n Query Optional Boolean Whether to return the internationalization content. The value is true or false. Default is false.
withElementGroupInfo Query Optional Boolean Whether to return the visualization group information. The default value is true.

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Response Parameters

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
mdmType Definitely String The object type which the attribute belongs to.
modelId Conditionally String The model ID which the attribute is associated with.
attribute Definitely String The identifier of the attribute.
name Definitely String The name of the attribute in the corresponding request language.
nameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct Describe the internalization content of the attribute name. See I18n Struct.
type Definitely String The data type of the attribute.
units Conditionally String The unit of the attribute.
expression Conditionally String The expression of the virtual attribute.
mdmAggMethods Conditionally String The aggregation method of the attribute by object type.
groups Conditionally Group Struct Describe the visualization group information of the attribute. See Group Struct.
enumerate Conditionally Enumerate Struct Describe the enumeration values of the enumerated attribute. See Enumerate Struct.
source Definitely String The source of the attribute. CDS means the attribute is a virtual attribute in Common Data Service, MODEL means the attribute is a model attribute, and AMC means the attribute comes from Configuration Center.
subSource Conditionally String Describe the attribute is a public or private attribute.

I18n Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
defaultValue Definitely String The default content.
en_US Conditionally String The English content.
zh_CN Conditionally String The Chinese content.
es_ES Conditionally String The Spanish content.
ja_JP Conditionally String The Japanese content.

Group Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
groupName Definitely String The name of the visualization group in the corresponding request language.
groupNameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct Describe the internalization content of the visualization group name. See I18n Struct.
groupOrder Definitely Integer The order of the visualization group.
elementName Definitely String The name of the element in the visualization group in the corresponding request language.
elementNameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct Describe the internalization content of the element. See I18n Struct.
elementOrder Definitely Integer The order of the element in the visualization group.
area Definitely Map (The Key is of the String type and the Value is an Area Struct) Describe the area in the visualization group. See Area Struct.

Area Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
areaName Definitely String The name of the area in the corresponding request language.
areaNameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct Describe the internalization content of the area name. See I18n Struct.
areaOrder Definitely Integer The order of the area.

Enumerate Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
name Definitely String The name of the enumeration values in the corresponding request language.
nameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct Describe the internalization content of the enumeration values. See I18n Struct.


Request Sample

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-meta-service/v1.0/attribute?action=query&orgId=yourOrgId&mdmTypes=yourMdmType

Response Sample

            "modelId": "yourMdmId",
            "name":"Commissioning Date",
            "modelId": "yourMdmId",
            "name":"Onboarding Date",
            "modelId": "yourMdmId",
            "modelId": "yourMdmId",
            "name":"Unit Price",
   "traceId": "1234567890abcdefghijkl0987654321"