Get Task Instance

Get the information of a specified task node instance.


The user must belong to the organization (OU) which the target task node instance belongs to.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/batch-processing-service/v2.1/taskInstances

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
taskInstId Query Mandatory String Task node instance ID (Note: this is not the workflow instance ID).
userId Query Mandatory String The user ID. How to get userId>>
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the user belongs to. How to get orgId>>
action Query Mandatory String Fixed value: get

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data List<JSONObject> The detailed information of the task node instance. For more information, see TaskInstance Struct

TaskInstance Struct


    "instanceId": "118979-2021020211",
    "taskId": 118979,
    "taskName": "DataIntegration",
    "cycle": "H",
    "status": 1,
    "runNum": 1,
    "type": 7,
    "syncType": null,
    "freq": null,
    "ifPre": 0,
    "stsDesc": "SUCCESS",
    "recallNum": 0,
    "triggerTime": "2021-02-02 19:35:00",
    "timeout": 300,
    "recallLimit": 3,
    "recallInterval": 0,
    "startTime": "2021-02-02 19:35:24",
    "endTime": "2021-02-02 19:38:07",
    "timeStamp": "Tue Feb 02 17:35:00 CST 2021",
    "isTimeout": false,
    "flowInstId": "8435-2021020211",
    "doAs": "yourDoAs",
    "alert": false,
    "runMode": "{\"taskMode\":1,\"cpu\":0.6,\"memory\":1.1,\"maxParallel\":0,\"keyType\":0,\"datasourceId\":0,\"path\":\"\",\"content\":\"\"}",
    "cmd":"echo hi",
    "hasResourceBefore": false,
    "resourceName": "",
    "fileName": "",
    "resourceVersion": ""


Name Data Type Description
instanceId String Task node instance ID.
taskId Integer The corresponding task node ID.
taskName String The corresponding task node name.
cycle String

The scheduling cycle.

  • M: Month
  • W: Week
  • D: Day
  • H: Hour
  • mi: Minute
status Integer Task node instance running status. For more information, see FlowInstanceStatus
runNum Integer Task node instance running times (plus 1 for each rerun).
type Integer Task type (3: SHELL; 7: Data Synchronization; 8: PYTHON; 9: External APP).
syncType Integer Data synchronization type. 0: File Synchronization; 1: Data Synchronization (meaningful only when the task type is Data Synchronization).
freq String CronTab expression for specifying the task node scheduling.
ifPre Integer Whether the task node can be referenced (0: No; 1: Yes).
stsDesc String Task node instance status description. For more information, see FlowInstanceStatus
recallNum Integer Rerun times of the task node instance.
triggerTime String Planned running time of the task node.
timeout Integer Timeout setting for the task node.
recallLimit Integer Rerun times limit upon task node instance running failure.
recallInterval Integer Rerun interval upon task node instance failure.
startTime String Start running time of the task node instance (Return null if the task node instance is not started).
endTime String End running time of the task node instance (Return null if the task node instance running is not ended yet).
timeStamp String Time when the task node instance is created.
isTimeout Boolean Whether the task node instance running is timeout.
flowInstId String Workflow instance ID to which the task node instance belongs.
doAs String The big data account of the organization to which the workflow belongs.
alert Boolean Whether the task node instance has triggered alerts.
runMode String Task running mode. For details, see RunMode Struct
cmd String Command for running the task node instance.
hasResourceBefore Boolean Whether the task node instance has referenced task resources.
resourceName String Name of the task resource that is referenced (when hasResourceBefore is true).
fileName String File name of task resource that is referenced (when hasResourceBefore is true).
resourceVersion String Version of task resource that is referenced (when hasResourceBefore is true).

Error Code

Code Message Description
62102 Incorrect parameter. Specified Task node instance ID (taskInstId) does not exit or does not belong to the current organization.
62109 It has no log. Internal service exception.

For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/batch-processing-service/v2.1/taskInstances?action=get&taskInstId=118979-2021020211&userId={}&orgId={}

method: GET

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "data": {
        "instanceId": "118979-2021020211",
        "taskId": 118979,
        "taskName": "DataIntegration",
        "cycle": "H",
        "status": 1,
        "runNum": 1,
        "type": 7,
        "syncType": null,
        "freq": null,
        "ifPre": 0,
        "stsDesc": "SUCCESS",
        "recallNum": 0,
        "triggerTime": "2021-02-02 19:35:00",
        "timeout": 300,
        "recallLimit": 3,
        "recallInterval": 0,
        "startTime": "2021-02-02 19:35:24",
        "endTime": "2021-02-02 19:38:07",
        "timeStamp": "Tue Feb 02 17:35:00 CST 2021",
        "isTimeout": false,
        "flowInstId": "8435-2021020211",
        "doAs": "yourDoAs",
        "alert": false,
        "runMode": "{\"taskMode\":1,\"cpu\":0.6,\"memory\":1.1,\"maxParallel\":0,\"keyType\":0,\"datasourceId\":0,\"path\":\"\",\"content\":\"\"}",
        "cmd":"echo hi",
        "hasResourceBefore": false,
        "resourceName": "",
        "fileName": "",
        "resourceVersion": ""

SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for batch processing service on GitHub: