Import Flow

Import workflow configuration to create a workflow with the specified name under the specified directory.


The user must be the owner of the workflow.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/batch-processing-service/v2.1/flows

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
userId Query Mandatory String The user ID. How to get userId>>
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the user belongs to. How to get orgId>>
action Query Mandatory String Fixed value: import

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
flowId Optional Integer The workflow ID. If not specified, the system will generate a flowId. If the specified flowId already exists, the system will generate another flowId).
flowName Mandatory String The workflow name.
desc Optional String The workflow description.
dirId Mandatory String The ID of the directory for the workflow.
flowJson Mandatory Flow Struct The details of the workflow. For more information, see Flow Struct

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data FlowId Struct The workflow ID. For more information, see FlowId Struct

FlowId Struct




Name Data Type Description
flowId String The ID of the created workflow.

Error Code

Code Message Description

One of the following messages can be returned:

  • Incorrect parameter
  • Invalid parameter: flowName
  • Directory does not exist
  • Workflow validation failed
Invalid parameter
62109 Failed to create workflow Failed to create the workflow because of internal server exception.

For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.


Request Sample

uurl: https://{apigw-address}/batch-processing-service/v2.1/flows?action=import&userId={}&orgId={}

method: POST

  "flowName": "outuser",
  "desc": "",
  "dirId": "dirId",
  "flowJson": {
        "cycle": "D",
        "cron": "0 0 0 * * ? *",
        "parameters": "[{\"key\":\"REPLACE\",\"value\":\"lili1\"}]",
        "submitter": "yourSubmitter",
        "owners": "yourOwners",
        "visitors": "yourVisitors",
        "type": 1,
        "desc": "",
        "tasks": [
                "name": "tass",
                "resource": "default",
                "type": "DATA_INTEGRATION",
                "cmd": "echo "hello"",
                "submitter": "yourSubmitter",
                "filePackage": "",
                "cron": "",
                "priorityLevel": 0,
                "timeout": 300,
                "retryLimit": 3,
                "retryInterval": 0,
                "successCode": "0",
                "waitCode": "",
                "asLink": true,
                "runMode": "{\"taskMode\":1,\"cpu\":0.5,\"memory\":1,\"maxParallel\":0,\"keyType\":0,\"datasourceId\":0,\"path\":\"\",\"content\":\"\"}",
                "syncType": 1
        "relations": [],
        "startTime": "2019-11-22",
        "flowLinks": [],
        "syncType": 1,
        "linkRelations": [],
        "alertMode": 3,
        "taskLinks": []

Return Sample

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "data": {
    "flowId": 2839

SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for batch data processing service on GitHub: