Get Flow

Get the information of a specified workflow.


The user must belong to the organization (OU) which the target workflow belongs to.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/dataflow-batch-service/v2.0/flows

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
flowId Query Mandatory Integer The workflow ID.
userId Query Mandatory String The user ID. How to get userId>>
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the user belongs to. How to get orgId>>
action Query Mandatory String Fixed value: get

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Flow Struct The detailed information of the workflow. For more information, see Flow Struct

Flow Struct


    "virtual": false,
    "freq": "0 0 0 * * ? *",
    "type": 1,
    "cycle": "D",
    "alertMode": 3,
    "appId": "",
    "hasEditPri": true,
    "startTime": "2019-07-18",
    "locked": false,
    "flowId": 2430,
    "owner": " owner",
    "creator": " creator",
    "active": 0,
    "updateUser": "yourUpdateUser",
    "updateTime": "2019-07-18 07:50:36.0",
    "flowName": "yu",
    "graph": "{
"queue":"","cycle":"D","desc":"","doAs":"yourDoAs","freq":"0 0 0 * * ? *","visitors":"","tasks":[{"taskName":"hello","taskId":"104443","y":0.0071,"x":0.0096,"nodeId":"t_104443"}],"type":1,"creator":"yourCreator","flows":[],"alertMode":3,"relations":[],"name":"yu","startTime":"2019-07-18","active":0,"parameters":"[]","owners":";yourOwners;"
    "isUserLocked": false,
    "entry": 2,
    "doAs": "yourDoAs",
    "createTime": "2019-07-18 07:49:10.0",
    "alertTo": "",
    "visitor": ";yourVisitors;",
    "syncType": 1,
    "parameters": "[]",
    "hasReadPri": true,
    "desc": ""


Name Data Type Description
flowId Integer The workflow ID.
flowName String The workflow name.
active Integer

The scheduling status of the workflow.

  • 0: Pause
  • 1: Start
creator String The username of the user who created the workflow instance.
createTime String The time when the workflow is created.
updateUser String The user who updated the workflow.
updateTime String The time when the workflow is updated.
freq String If CronTab syntax is used when specifying the time to start the workflow in a scheduling cycle, a 7-character CronTab expression is used. For more information about CronTab, see the Cron Expression Explainer
cycle String

The scheduling cycle.

  • M: Month
  • W: Week
  • D: Day
  • H: Hour
  • mi: Minute
parameters Map The global parameters that are configured for the workflow to dynamically adapt to the environment changes (in the format of key=value).
owner String The username of the owners of the workflow. The semicolon (;) is used to separate each owner, for example, owners=”userNameA;userNameB”.
visitor String The username of the vistors who can access the workflow. The semicolon (;) is used to separate each visitor, for example, visitors=”userNameA;userNameB”.
doAs String The big data account of the organization to which the workflow belongs.
alertMode Integer

The alert mode.

  • 0: Not enabled
  • 1: Email
  • 2: SMS
  • 3: Email and SMS
alertTo String The receiver of the alerts.
appId String Null string
graph FlowGraph Struct The workflow dependency. For more information, see FlowGraph Struct
entry Integer

The method used for creating the workflow.

  • 0: Portal
  • 1: API
  • 2: eos
type Integer

The scheduling type of the workflow.

  • 0: Manual
  • 1: Periodic
  • 2: Temporary
syncType Integer

The sync type of the workflow.

  • 0: File synchronization
  • 1: Data synchronization
desc String The workflow description.
startTime String The effective date of the workflow.
virtual Boolean
  • true = the workflow is a virtual workflow
  • false = the workflow is not a virtual workflow
locked Boolean
  • true = the workflow is locked
  • false = the workflow is not locked
hasEditPri Boolean
  • true = the user has editing permission for the workflow
  • false = the user does not have editing permission for the workflow
hasReadPri Boolean
  • true = the user has reading permission for the workflow
  • false = the user does not have reading permission for the workflow
isUserLocked Boolean
  • true = the user is locked
  • false = the user is not locked

FlowGraph Struct


  "freq":"0 0 0 * * ? *",
  "visitors":";yourVisitors; ",


Name Data Type Description
creator String The username of the user who created the workflow instance.
freq String If CronTab syntax is used when specifying the time to start the workflow in a scheduling cycle, a 7-character CronTab expression is used. For more information about CronTab, see the Cron Expression Explainer
alertMode Integer

The alert mode.

  • 0: Not enabled
  • 1: Email
  • 2: SMS
  • 3: Email and SMS
type Integer

The scheduling type of the workflow.

  • 0: Manual
  • 1: Periodic
  • 2: Temporary
owners String The username of the owners of the workflow. The semicolon (;) is used to separate each owner, for example, owners=”userNameA;userNameB”.
visitors String The username of the vistors who can access the workflow. The semicolon (;) is used to separate each visitor, for example, visitors=”userNameA;userNameB”.
startTime String The effective date of the workflow.
cycle String

The scheduling cycle.

  • M: Month
  • W: Week
  • D: Day
  • H: Hour
  • mi: Minute
doAs String The big data account of the organization to which the workflow belongs.
flows Array of FlowSimpleInfo Structs The list of workflows that have dependency relations with the workflow. For more information, see FlowSimpleInfo Struct
alertTo String The receiver of the alerts.
name String The workflow name.
syncType Integer

The sync type of the workflow.

  • 0: File synchronization
  • 1: Data synchronization
relations Array of Relation Structs The list of the relations between tasks in the workflow, with each element representing the upstream and downstream dependency. For more information, see Relation Struct
parameters Map The parameters that are configured for the task to dynamically adapt to the environment changes (in the format of key=value)
appId String Null string
tasks Array of TaskSimpleInfo Structs The list of all task nodes in the workflow, with each element representing a TaskSimpleInfo struct, which contains basic information of a task node. For more information, see TaskSimpleInfo Struct
queue String The computing queue.
desc String The workflow description.

FlowSimpleInfo Struct




Name Data Type Description
flowId String The workflow ID.
flowName String The workflow name.
nodeId String The ID of the node that is part of other workflows.
isVirtual Boolean
  • true = the workflow is a virtual workflow
  • false = the workflow is not a virtual workflow
x Double The x-axis of the node on the configuration panel of the workflow.
y Double The y-axis of the node on the configuration panel of the workflow.

TaskSimpleInfo Struct




Name Data Type Description
taskName String The task name.
x Double The x-axis of the task on the configuration panel.
y Double The y-axis of the task on the configuration panel.
taskId String The task ID.
nodeId String The node ID. (Note: The node ID is not the same as the task ID, because there are task nodes and workflow nodes that have dependency relations in a workflow.)

Relation Struct


    "cycleGap": "D0",
    "rerun": true,
    "source": "t_105048",
    "target": "t_104575"


Name Data Type Description
cycleGap String The scheduling time difference between upstream and downstream tasks, with the format of {cycle}{offset} (cycle is the unit of time different, and offset is value).
source String The node ID of the upstream task.
target String The node ID of the downstream task.
rerun Boolean

Effective only for task-level re-running.

  • true = the downstream task will be started when re-running
  • false = the downstream task will not be started when re-running

Error Code

See Common Error Codes.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/dataflow-batch-service/v2.0/flows?action=get&flowId=2479&userId=yourUserId&orgId=yourOrgId
method: GET

Return Sample

  "status": 0,
  "msg": " Success",
  "data": {
    "flowId": 2479,
    "flowName": "test0722-1",
    "active": 0,
    "creator": "yourCreator",
    "createTime": "2019-07-22 08:56:35.0",
    "updateUser": "yourUpdateUser",
    "updateTime": "2019-07-22 08:56:58.0",
    "freq": "0 0 0 * * ? *",
    "cycle": "D",
    "parameters": "[{"key":"ouids","value":"oxxxxxxxx"},{"key":"path","value":"/user/db_henglin/test_0722-1/"},{"key":"overwrite","value":"true"}]",
    "owner": "yourOwners",
    "visitor": ";yourVisitors;",
    "doAs": "yourDoAs",
    "alertMode": 1,
    "alertTo": "",
    "appId": "",
    "graph": "{"queue":"","cycle":"D","desc":"","doAs":"yourDoAs","freq":"0 0 0 * * ? *","visitors":"","tasks":[{"taskName":"MDM-Sync","taskId":"104506","y":0.002,"x":0.002,"nodeId":"t_104506"},{"taskName":"MDMHive","taskId":"104507","y":0.009,"x":0.002,"nodeId":"t_104507"}],"type":0,"creator":"yourCreator","flows":[],"alertMode":1,"relations":[{"cycleGap":"D0","rerun":true,"source":"t_104506","target":"t_104507"}],"name":"test0722-1","startTime":"2019-07-22","active":0,"parameters":"[{"key":"ouids","value":"oxxxxxxxxxxx"},{"key":"path","value":"/user/db_henglin/test_0722-1/"},{"key":"overwrite","value":"true"}]","owners":";yourOwners;"}",
    "entry": 0,
    "type": 0,
    "syncType": 1,
    "desc": "",
    "startTime": "2019-07-22",
    "virtual": false,
    "locked": false,
    "hasEditPri": false,
    "hasReadPri": true,
    "isUserLocked": false

SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for batch data processing service on GitHub: