Managing Third-party Plugins

The Application Portal supports the integration of third-party plugins for users within the enterprise or organization.


Before you start, make sure that:

  • The plugins are legally available.
  • You have obtained the plugin’s URL for registration.

Registering a Plugin

  1. Select Plugin Management from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.
  2. Select the Register Plugin button.
  3. On the popup window, enter the name, URL, and description of the plugin.
  4. Select Submit.

Assigning a Plugin

  1. Select Plugin Management from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.

  2. Select the Assign OU i_assignou of the plugin from the plugin list.

  3. Select one or more OUs to assign the plugin to on the popup window.

  4. Select Submit.

After a plugin assigned to an OU, the OU administrator can then use the assigned plugin under the Plugin Management menu of the Admin Console.

Editing Plugin Information

  1. Select Plugin Management from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.
  2. Select the Edit i_edit of the plugin from the plugin list.
  3. On the popup window, edit the name, URL, or description of the plugin.
  4. Select Submit.

Deleting a Plugin

  1. Select Plugin Management from the left navigation pane of the Admin Console.
  2. Select the Delete i_remove of the plugin from the plugin list.
  3. Select OK on the popup window.