Managing Announcement

Announcements within Developer Studio, showing update notes, promotions, important updates, etc.

Users can access the list via More in the Announcements section of home page to display all the announcements with current publication status.

Announcement administrators can access the announcement management panel by selecting System Management > Announcement Management in the left navigation.

This article introduces how announcement administrators can create new announcements and manage announcements.

Managing announcement administrator permissions

The system administrator sets the announcement administrator role, and assigns announcement administrator permissions. For detailed steps, see Managing Roles.

Creating new announcements

The announcement administrator can create a new application by following these steps:

  1. Select System Management > Announcement Management from the left navigation, and click New.
  2. Enter the announcement title, announcement link, and the type of announcement to be posted, and click OK to complete the announcement creation.
    • Title: a concise description of the announcement, displayed in the announcement module of the home page.
    • Announcement link: can point to newly released documents, new feature boards, product news, or product update Blog, etc.
    • Category: select announcement type, support multiple selection.

Editing Announcement Information

For the created announcement, the announcement administrator can edit the basic information of the announcement.

In the application list, click Edit after the application entry to edit the announcement title, announcement link and announcement type.

Deleting Announcement Information

For created announcements, the announcement administrator can delete the basic information of the announcement.

In the application list, click Delete after the application entry to delete this announcement.

Posting Announcement Information

The announcement administrator can publish the basic information of the announcement.

In the application list, you can publish this announcement by clicking Publish after the application entry. The successfully published announcement will be displayed in the Announcement module of the home page.