Changed APIs

EnOS R2401 introduces the following API behavioral changes.

EnOS Semantic APIs

Below are the changes of semantic APIs in EnOS R2401.

Common Data Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Query Meta Metric
  • Added the request parameter withDescription to specify whether to return the description of the metrics.
  • Added the return parameter description and descriptionI18n to return the description and the internationalized description of the metrics.
Query Meta Attribute Added the request parameter mdmIds to specify the business object IDs associated with the attributes. ×
Query Asset Topology Added the request parameter filter to filter the return results by asset topologies. ×

EnOS General APIs

Below are the changes of general APIs in EnOS R2401.

Reporting Tool Service

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Query Report File
  • Added the request parameter type to specify the type of the report templates. If the request parameters include reportId, originId, or reportKey, the type parameter will be ignored.
  • The request parameters reportId, originId, and reportKey are optional. If not specified, the API will return all available report files in this OU.
  • Added the return parameter name and supportLanguage to return the names and the supported languages of the templates.