Search Alert Content

Search for alert content based on the search criteria.


EnOS Edge does not support OU verification for this API.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/event-service/v2.1/alert-contents?action=search

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Array of AlertContent Structs A list of the alert content. For details of an alertContent struct, see AlertContent Struct.

AlertContent Struct

Name Data Type Description
contentId String The alert content ID.
contentDesc StringI18n The alert content description.
modelId String The model ID.
orgId String The organization ID which the asset belongs to.
alertType AlertType Struct The details of the alert type. For more information, see AlertType Struct>>
subAlertType AlertType Struct The details of the alert sub-type. For more information, see AlertType Struct>>
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
updatePerson String The name of the person who last updated the alert severity.
updateTime Long The time when the alert was last updated in UTC format.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/event-service/v2.1/alert-contents?action=search&orgId=yourOrgId
method: POST
    "pagination": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "sorters": [{
            "field": "contentId",
            "order": "DESC"
  "action": "search"

Return Sample

    "pagination": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "totalSize": 9,
        "sortedBy": [{
            "field": "contentId",
            "order": "DESC"
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "requestId": "c4e28bda-8d76-4145-bc42-11bfc2c09c0d",
    "data": [{
        "contentId": "dateContentid",
        "contentDesc": {
      "defaultValue": null,
            "i18nValue": {
                "en_US": "dateContentid desc",
                "zh_CN": ""
        "modelId": "ssss",
        "orgId": "yourOrgId",
        "updatePerson": "test_user",
        "updateTime": 1546612131000,
        "alertType": {
            "typeId": "dateType",
      "orgId": "o15724268424841",
      "parentTypeId": null,
      "updatePerson": null,
            "typeDesc": {
                "i18nValue": {
          "defaultValue": null,
                    "en_US": "dateType desc",
                    "zh_CN": ""
            "tags": {

            "updateTime": 0
        "subAlertType": {
            "typeDesc": {
                "i18nValue": {
          "defaultValue": null,
                    "en_US": "dateType desc",
                    "zh_CN": ""
      "orgId": "o15724268424841",
      "parentTypeId": null,
      "updatePerson": null,
            "tags": {
            "updateTime": 0
        "tags": {

SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for alert engine service on GitHub: