Process Operators

The AI Pipelines provides the following operators related to task processing:

  • Python Operator
  • PythonEx Operator
  • PythonCode Operator
  • Shell Operator
  • ShellEx Operator
  • ShellCode Operator
  • Notebook Operator
  • NotebookEx Operator
  • ParallelFor Status List Operator
  • Pipeline Trigger Operator
  • APIM Operator
  • Email Operator
  • EnOS Mail Operator
  • EnOS SMS Operator

Python Operator

The Python operator is used to handle Python script tasks and often used in combination with the Git Directory operator. The parameters of the Python operator are divided into fixed parameters and dynamic parameters. The fixed parameters cannot be deleted, while the dynamic parameters can be added, modified, deleted, or sorted based on your needs.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
workspace Required Directory Specify the file directory where the code is located, which usually comes from the Git Directory operator.
entrypoint Required String Specify the name of the entry program file, which should include the path.
requirements_file_path Optional String Specify the file path of the dependent package to be installed.

Output Parameters Description

The Python operator does not have fixed output parameters, you can add parameters based on your needs.

PythonEx Operator

The PythonEx operator is used to handle Python script tasks that are saved in the internal storage. The parameters of the Python operator are divided into fixed parameters and dynamic parameters. The fixed parameters cannot be deleted, while the dynamic parameters can be added, modified, deleted, or sorted based on your needs.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
workspace Required notebook_dir Specify the file directory.
entrypoint Required notebook_file Specify the name of the entry program file, which should include the path (because there may be files with the same name in different directories).
requirements Optional notebook_file Specify the dependent package to be installed.

Output Parameters Description

PythonEx operator does not have fixed output parameters, you can add parameters based on your needs.

PythonCode Operator

The PythonCode operator can be used to run Python codes.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
code Required python Enter Python codes.
requirements Optional list Specify the dependent package to be installed.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
mlflow_model_file_paths list The directory list of mlflow model files.

Shell Operator

The Shell operator is used to process Shell script tasks, and its input and output parameters are the same as those of Python operator. See Python operator.

ShellEx Operator

The ShellEx operator is used to process Shell script tasks stored at the internal storage. Its input and output parameters are the same as those of PythonEx operator. See PythonEx operator.

ShellCode Operator

The ShellCode operator can be used to run Shell codes.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
code Required shell Enter Shell codes.
requirements Optional list Specify the dependent package to be installed.

Output Parameters Description

The ShellCode operator does not have fixed output parameters, you can add parameters based on your needs.

Notebook Operator

The Notebook operator is often used to process ipynb-type tasks that have been verified and saved in Notebook. The Notebook operator is often used in combination with the Git Directory operator. Usually, the developed model code files will be saved onto Git, and the Notebook operator can be used to get the code files from the Git Directory operator and run them. The typical scenario is to run Python tasks, run Python code files, and train machine learning models, and the generated model files will be recorded and exported through the logmodel method of MLflow.

The input and output parameters for the Notebook operator can be configured or sorted dynamically based on business needs.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
workspace Required Directory Specify the file directory where the code is located, which usually comes from the directory specified by the Git Directory operator.
entrypoint Required String Specify the name of the entry program file, which should include the path (because there may be files with the same name in different directories).
requirements_file_path Optional String Specify the file path of the dependent package to be installed.
env Optional List Specify the list of parameters to be passed.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
mlflow_model_file_paths List List of model file paths recorded and exported by MLflow’s logmodel method.

NotebookEx Operator

The NotebookEx operator is often used to process ipynb-type tasks that have been verified and saved in Notebook. The Notebook operator is used to get the developed model code files form the internal storage and run them. The typical scenario is to run Python tasks, run Python code files, and train machine learning models, and the generated model files will be recorded and exported through the logmodel method of MLflow. For more information about uploading code files to the internal storage, see Uploading Model Code Files to the Internal Storage.

The input and output parameters for the NotebookEx operator can be configured or sorted dynamically based on business needs.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
workspace Required notebook_dir Specify the file directory.
entrypoint Required notebook_file Specify the name of the entry program file, which should include the path (because there may be files with the same name in different directories).
requirements Optional notebook_file Specify the dependent package to be installed.
env Optional List Specify the list of parameters to be passed.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
mlflow_model_file_paths List List of model file paths recorded and exported by MLflow’s logmodel method.

Pipeline Trigger Operator

Pipeline Trigger operator can only be used as an OnExit operator to trigger another pipeline under the same OU.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
experiment Required pipeline_experiment Select the pipeline to be triggered.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
pipeline_run_id String The instance name of the triggered pipeline.
pipeline_run_info String The running information of the triggered pipeline.

ParallelFor Status List Operator

ParallelFor Status List operator is used to get results for each item of a ParallelFor operator.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
run_id Required String Enter the instance name, you can use instances under this OU.
parallelfor_path Required String Enter the path of the ParallelFor operator.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
result List Result information

APIM Operator

APIM operator is used to call a specified API from APIM.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
url Required String Enter the address of the API to be called.
access_key Required String Enter the AccessKey of the API.
secret_key Required password Enter the SecretKey of the API. The SecretKey is hidden when you go to the pipeline design page and view this operator again after you enter or modify the value and save the pipeline.
http_method Required http_method Select an HTTP method. Values include GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
body Optional String Enter the request body.
headers Optional String Enter the request header.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
result File Results of the API call.

Email Operator

The Email operator is used to send email notifications.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
mail_host Required String IP address or domain name of the email server; e.g. and
mail_user Required String Email service user name.
mail_pass Optional Password Password corresponding to the user name.
sender Required String Sender.
receivers Required List Recipient list, which can be derived from the user list in the organization.
content Required String Content of the sent email.
subject Required String Subject of the sent email.
on_condition Optional Run_status When the specified value is succeed, completed, or failed, this operator can be used as an exit operator. Once the running status of the pipeline matches with the specified value, the email sending will be triggered.

Output Parameters Description

Name Type Description
status String Email sending status.
content_out String Email content.

EnOS Mail Operator

The EnOS Email operator is used to send email notifications via an email account with envision-digital domain name.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
sender_identifier Required String Specify the email address to send the email.
receivers Required user_contact_list Specify the email address to receive the email.
copyto Optional user_contact_list Specify the email address to copy to.
locale Optional locale Select the language of the email.
module Required module Select an AI Studio module related to the email.
target Required string Enter the target related to the email. For example, model names, instance names, dataset names, etc.
incident Required string Enter the description of the incident related to the email.
detail Required string Enter the details or other supplementary information of the incident.
priority Required string Select the priority of the email.
on_condition Optional Run_status When the specified value is succeeded, completed, or failed, this operator can be used as an exit operator. Once the running status of the pipeline matches with the specified value, the email sending will be triggered.

Output Parameters Description

The EnOS Mail operator has no output parameters.

EnOS SMS Operator

The EnOS SMS operator is used to send SMS notifications.

Input Parameters Description

Name Required/Optional Type Description
recipients Required user_contact_list Specify the area code and phone number of the notification recipients.
tunnel Required tunnel Specify the telecom carrier to send the notification.
signature Optional string Enter the signature information of the notification.
locale Optional locale Select the language of the notification.
module Required module Select an AI Studio module related to the notification.
target Required string Enter the target related to the notification. For example, model names, instance names, dataset names, etc.
incident Required string Enter the description of the incident related to the notification.
priority Required string Select the priority of the notification.
on_condition Optional Run_status When the specified value is succeeded, completed, or failed, this operator can be used as an exit operator. Once the running status of the pipeline matches with the specified value, the notification sending will be triggered.

Output Parameters Description

The EnOS SMS operator has no output parameters.