Unit 1. Preparing Resource

Before building a model to predict turbine engine temperature rises, you need to request the PVC storage resource for AI Pipelines to design a prediction pipeline and for AI Lab if you want to process model files in a Notebook instance.

Requesting Storage Resource

To design a pipeline or use Notebook instances, request PVC storage from the resource pool by the following steps:

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console and select Data Analytics > Resource Configuration > Storage Configuration from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Add PVC on the PVC Management tab.

  3. Configure the following information in the popup window.

    Filed Description
    Name Enter temp-rise-pipeline.
    Capacity Enter 5 GB.
    Storage Class Select a storage class.
    Access Mode Select RWO.
    Used By Select Pipeline.

  4. (Optional) If you want to build a model in AI Lab and AI Hub by the steps in Unit 5. Building a Model in AI Hub, select Add PVC again and configure the following information.

    Filed Description
    Name Enter temp-rise-lab.
    Capacity Enter 5 GB.
    Storage Class Select a storage class.
    Access Mode Select RWO.
    Used By Select Lab.

  5. Select Confirm to request the PVC resource.