Unit 1. Preparing Resource

This unit describes how to request PVC resource for AI Lab, so that you can process data and code files later in a Jupyter Notebook instance.

Step 1. Requesting PVC Storage Resource

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console and select Data Analytics > Resource Configuration > Storage Configuration on the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Add PVC on the PVC Management tab.

  3. Configure the following information in the popup window to request the PVC resource for AI Lab.

    Field Description
    Name Enter power-loss-lab.
    Capacity Enter 5 GB.
    Storage Class Select a storage class.
    Access Mode Select RWO.
    Used By Select Lab.

  4. Select Confirm.

  5. Select Add PVC again and configure the following information in the popup window to request the PVC resource for AI Pipeline.

    Field Description
    Name Enter power-loss-pipeline.
    Capacity Enter 5 GB.
    Storage Class Select a storage class.
    Access Mode Select RWO.
    Used By Select Pipeline.

  6. Select Confirm.