Unit 2. Preparing Data

To calculate the power loss during shutdowns, you need to know when the turbines shut down and how much power should be generated during the shutdown period, for which you can refer to the generated power of the turbines in the vicinity in the same time period. Thus, you need to get the following data:

  • The average generated power in 10 minutes
  • The time when shutdown starts and ends
  • The distances between the shutdown turbine and surrounding turbines

In the tutorial, the required data are provided by the following sample datasets in Dataset Management.

Dataset Description
10min Run Demo The average generated power in 10 minutes
Downtime Records Demo The time when shutdown starts and ends
surround info demo The distances between the shutdown turbine and surrounding turbines

Viewing Sample Datasets

  1. Log in to EnOS Management Console and select AI Studio > Dataset Management on the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Sample to view sample datasets.
  3. Select the 10min Run Demo, Downtime Records Demo, and surround info demo datasets to view the following information separately:
    • On the Basic Information tab, you can view Attributes and Scheme information.
    • On the Invoking Code tab, you can view or copy the Python code to call the dataset service.
    • On the Dataset Exploration tab, you can preview data in the dataset or perform statistical analysis. For more information, see Explore Datasets.