Resource Configuration Overview

The storage resources, data source connections, and computing resources required by the MI Hub, MI Lab and MI Pipelines of the Enterprise Analytics Platform need to be configured and managed through the Resource Allocation page.

Main Functions

The Resource Allocation page provides the following functions.

Dynamic Storage Configuration

  • Before creating a Notebook instance in MI Lab, you need to add dynamic storage resources for the workspace and data storage required to run the Notebook.
  • Before designing workflows in MI Pipelines, you need to add dynamic storage resources for storing the running results of operators.

Data Source Connection Configuration

When staging the model versions or using Notebook and other product functions, it is necessary to access the data in various data sources or write data to the data source. Before using such products, you need to complete the following data source connection configurations according to business needs:

  • Git
  • HIVE
  • MySQL
  • S3
  • Blob
  • HDFS

Resource Preparation

ML model - container computing resources

Before configuring the dynamic storage resources, you should ensure that the OU has requested the Sub-partition resource mode of the ML model - container computing resource through the EnOS Management Console > Resource Management page. For detailed information about requesting ML Model - Container Computing resources, see Specifications of Container Computing Resources.