Q: Which EnOS Native Applications Can Automatically Trigger Service Requests?

A: The following EnOS native applications are integrated with Work Management such that they are able to manually trigger a service request or work order to Work Management. If the automatic trigger configuration is enabled in the application, service requests can be automatically triggered:

  • EnOS™ Cloud Alarm Management: alerts.
  • EnOS™ Solar Monitoring & Control: alerts.
  • EnOS™ Wind Monitoring & Control: shutdown alerts.
  • EnOS™ Storage Monitoring & Control: alerts.
  • EnOS™ Wind Advanced Analytics: early warning alerts.
  • EnOS™ Solar Advanced Analytics: operation and maintenance recommendations.

Q: When an Alarm Is Generated in the EnOS Monitoring & Control, First a Service Request Is Triggered, and Then a Work Order Is Generated from the Service Request. Is It Possible to Directly Trigger a Work Order without Using a Service Request?

A: We recommend using both service requests and work orders. The service request is used to report problem after the monitor staff finds an error, and the work order is used to execute the team’s internal task flow. However, it is possible to use only work orders without service requests. To enable this configuration, contact your system administrator.

Q: What CMMS System Adapters Are Already in Work Management’s Connector Adapter Library?

A: The connector adapter library is continuously expanded based on demand. The following CMMS are now supported:

  • Jiang He Zhi Neng CMMS
  • Jin Xian Dai CMMS
  • Hui Zhi CMMS
  • Samex
  • Lang Kun

If you have other CMMS integration requirements, the connector also provides a unified API and adapter development framework to enable rapid development of adapters for other CMMS systems. For more information about the Work Management APIs, see Work Management API. For more information, please contact your system administrator.