About TSDB Policy Service API V2.0

The TSDB Policy Service provides interfaces for developers to query and update TSDB Storage Ploicy for application development. For details, see the API documentation:

API List

API Name Description EnOS Cloud EnOS Edge
Get Measurement Point TSDB Metadata Get the TSDB storage policy corresponding to the model measurement point. A measurement point can have multiple storage policies, depending on its data type and usage. This API returns all the TSDB storage policy metadata in the current organization for the specified measurement point.
Get Storage Policy Get detailed information of specified storage policy with storage policy ID. ×
Save Storage Policy With storage policy ID, update and save the configuration of specified storage policy. ×

Common Error Codes

Code Message Description
0 OK API request is successful.
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error (applies to the Get Measurement Point TSDB Metadata API ony).
80500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Internal server error. For details, check the returned error message.