Delete Point Metadata

Delete unnecessary measurements in TSDB Schema.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Asset Write

For more information about resources and required permission, see Policies, Roles and Permissions>>

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-service/v2.1/data/meta-delete

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get organization ID>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
modelId Mandatory String Model ID. Not null. How to get model ID>>
pointId Mandatory String The ID of the measurement point to be deleted. Not null. How to get measurement point ID>>

Error Code

For the description of error codes, see Common Error Codes.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/tsdb-service/v2.1/data/meta-delete?orgId=yourOrgId

method: POST

Content-type: application/json


Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "OK",
    "submsg": "success",
    "data": 428587615112032256


  • The historical data of measurement needs to be deleted by the user, otherwise the old data may be queried or the query may fail after re-creating the measurement point.
  • Make sure that there is no data of this measurement to be uploaded, otherwise the deletion will fail.
  • After calling this API, whether the storage policy of the measurement point is canceled will be checked, so the user needs to confirm that the storage policy of the measurement point has been canceled.
  • Data will be deleted through Open API by calling asynchronous tasks, so timeliness will not be guaranteed.

SDK Samples

You can access the Java SDK Samples for TSDB data service on Github.