Usage Limitation

When using the Time Series Data Management service, note the following usage limitation.


The limitation values below are the default values. To change the default values, contact the system administrator.

Time Series Database Resource

Before configuring TSDB storage policies, ensure that your OU has requested for the Time Series Database resource through the EnOS Management Console > Resource Management page. Otherwise, you cannot create storage policy groups, and the data ingested from devices to EnOS cannot be stored in TSDB by default. For more information about requesting for the Time Series Database resources, see Time Series Database Resource Specification.

When you do not need to store asset data in TSDB, you can delete and release the requested Time Series Database Resource through the Resource Management page to save costs.

Storage Policy Groups

In EnOS Cloud, each OU can have 5 storage policy groups. Before configuring the storage policy for measurement points, you must associate the asset model with a storage policy group. Each model can be associated with 1 storage policy group only.

In EnOS Edge, there is no need to create the storage policy group.

Customized Storage Time

The storage time starts from the moment when data is stored in the database. The longest storage time is 20 years. Expired data will be deleted automatically. For example, if 1 year is selected for the storage time, the database only retains data imported in the past 1 year.

Stored Data Size Limit

Each storage policy group supports 200 models at most.

Data Insights Querying Limit

  • Results of a single query cannot exceed 640,000.
  • For a single device and single measurement point, the data list can display at most 500 data records. To query more data, use the TSDB Data Service APIs.
  • For a single device and single measurement point, the data chart can display at most 20,000 data records. To query more data, use the TSDB Data Service APIs.