
支持运行原生的 JavaScript 脚本,实现自定义的业务逻辑。与旧数据格式不兼容,即无法按 ModelId::PointId 进行数据过滤。


该算子的配置包括 GeneralBasicInput/Output,和 JavaScript 的详细信息,各字段的配置如下:


名称 是否必须 描述
Name Yes 算子名称
Description No 算子描述
Stage Library Yes 算子所属的库
Required Fields No 数据必须包含的字段,如果未包含指定字段,则 record 将被过滤掉
Preconditions No 数据必须满足的前提条件,如果不满足指定条件,则 record 将被过滤掉。例如:${record:value('/value') > 0}。有关 EL 语句的使用方法,参考 Expression Language
On Record Error Yes


  • Discard:直接丢弃
  • Send to Error:发送至错误中心
  • Stop Pipeline:停止流任务运行


名称 是否必须 描述
IO Mapping Method Yes


  • 1:1:每行 Input/Output 参数配置中,一个数据输入点对应一个数据输出点
  • M:1:Input/Output 参数配置中,可配置任意数量的数据输入点和数据输出点
Quality Filter No 根据数据质量过滤处理数据,只有符合质量条件的 record 才会进行此次处理


名称 是否必须 描述
Input Measurement Yes 数据输入点,输入数据的 MeasurementId 必须匹配输入点,才能够进入后续计算。
Output Measurement No 数据输出点,经过 JavaScript 脚本后的输出数据的 MeasurementId 必须匹配输出点,才能够作为真正的输出 record。


名称 是否必须 描述
Script Yes 编写自定义 JavaScript 脚本。其中 records 代表所有经过选中的点并经过质量控制后,流入的数据。


运行自定义 JavaScript 脚本后,该算子的输出结果包含在 attr 结构体中。


Java Script 中,若涉及 Long 类型数值的计算,如: 加减乘除/比较/…,需先使用 parseFloat() 将其转换成 Float 类型,再进行操作。示例:

record.value['time'] = parseInt(parseFloat(record.value['time'])/60000) * 60000;

 * Available constants:
 *   They are to assign a type to a field with a value null.
 * Available Objects:
 *  records: an array of records to process, depending on the JavaScript processor
 *           processing mode it may have 1 record or all the records in the batch.
 *  state: a dict that is preserved between invocations of this script.
 *        Useful for caching bits of data e.g. counters.
 *  log.<loglevel>(msg, obj...): use instead of print to send log messages to the log4j log instead of stdout.
 *                               loglevel is any log4j level: e.g. info, error, warn, trace.
 *  output.write(record): writes a record to processor output
 *  error.write(record, message): sends a record to error
 *  sdcFunctions.getFieldNull(Record, 'field path'): Receive a constant defined above
 *                            to check if the field is typed field with value null
 *  sdcFunctions.createRecord(String recordId): Creates a new record.
 *                            Pass a recordId to uniquely identify the record and include enough information to track down the record source.
 *  sdcFunctions.createMap(boolean listMap): Create a map for use as a field in a record.
 *                            Pass true to this function to create a list map (ordered map)
 *  sdcFunctions.createEvent(String type, int version): Creates a new event.
 *                            Create new empty event with standard headers.
 *  sdcFunctions.toEvent(Record): Send event to event stream
 *                            Only events created with sdcFunctions.createEvent are supported.
 *  sdcFunctions.isPreview(): Determine if pipeline is in preview mode.
 *  sdcFunctions.dateTimeHelper.convertZonedDateTimeToTimestampInMilliseconds(String zonedDateTime, String
 *  dateTimeFormatterPattern): Convert zoned
 *  date time to timestamp in milliseconds.
 *  Example:
 *  var timestamp = sdcFunctions.dateTimeHelper.convertZonedDateTimeToTimestampInMilliseconds("2021-09-03
 *  05:00:00.000
 *  America/Chicago","yyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss.SSS [VV]");
 *  //  expected timestamp =  1599127200000
 *  sdcFunctions.dateTimeHelper.convertTimestampInMillisecondsToZonedDateTime(long timestamp, String
 *  dateTimeFormatterPattern, String timezoneId):
 *  Convert timestamp in milliseconds to zoned date time.
 *  Example:
 *  // var timestamp =
 *  sdcFunctions.dateTimeHelper.convertTimestampInMillisecondsToZonedDateTime(1599127200000, 'yyy-MM-dd
 *  HH:mm:ss.SSS [VV]',
 *  'America/Chicago');
 *  //  expected dateTime = '2020-09-03 05:00:00.000 America/Chicago'
 * enosFunc.mcMin(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the minimum value of the measuring point;

 * enosFunc.mcMax(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the maximum value of the measuring point;

 * enosFunc.mcSum(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the sum of the values of the measuring point;

 * enosFunc.mcMean(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the average of the values of the measuring point;

 * enosFunc.mcCov(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the dispersion rate of the values of the measuring point;

 * enosFunc.input(Record,String measurementID): Function for getting the value of the measuring point (supported data types are int、long、short、decimal、boolean、float、double);
 * Available Record Header Variables:n *
 *  record.attributes: a map of record header attributes.
 *  record.<header name>: get the value of 'header name'.

// Sample JavaScript code

function generateOutput(record, outputMeasurementId, outputValue) {
    var output_record = sdcFunctions.createRecord(true);
    output_record.value = record.value;
    output_record.value['pointId'] = record.value['pointId'];
    output_record.value['value'] = outputValue;
    output_record.value['attr'] = record.value['attr'];
    output_record.value['assetId'] = record.value['assetId']
    output_record.value['modelIdPath'] = record.value['modelIdPath']
    output_record.value['measurementId'] = outputMeasurementId

for(var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
  try {
    // Change record root field value to a STRING value
    //records[i].value = 'Hello ' + i;

    // Change record root field value to a MAP value and create an entry
    //records[i].value = { V : 'Hello' };

    // Access a MAP entry
    //records[i].value.X = records[i].value['V'] + ' World';

    // Modify a MAP entry
    //records[i].value.V = 5;

    // Create an ARRAY entry
    //records[i].value.A = ['Element 1', 'Element 2'];

    // Access a Array entry
    //records[i].value.B = records[i].value['A'][0];

    // Modify an existing ARRAY entry
    //records[i].value.A[0] = 100;

    // Assign a integer type to a field and value null
    // records[i].value.null_int = NULL_INTEGER

    // Check if the field is NULL_INTEGER. If so, assign a value
    // if(sdcFunctions.getFieldNull(records[i], '/null_int') == NULL_INTEGER)
    //    records[i].value.null_int = 123

    // Create a new record with map field
    // var newRecord = sdcFunctions.createRecord(records[i].sourceId + ':newRecordId');
    // newRecord.value = {'field1' : 'val1', 'field2' : 'val2'};
    // output.write(newRecord);
    // Create a new map and add it to the original record
    // var newMap = sdcFunctions.createMap(true);
    // newMap['key'] = 'value';
    // records[i].value['b'] = newMap;

    //Applies if the source uses WHOLE_FILE as data format
    //var input_stream = record.value['fileRef'].getInputStream();
    //try {
      //; //Process the input stream
    //} finally{

    // Modify a header attribute entry
    // records[i].attributes['name'] = records[i].attributes['first_name'] + ' ' + records[i].attributes['last_name']    //

    // Get a record header with field names ex. get sourceId and errorCode
    // var sourceId = records[i].sourceId
    // var errorCode = ''
    // if(records[i].errorCode) {
    //     errorCode = records[i].errorCode
    // }

    // var record = records[i];
    // var targetMeasurementId = 'measurementId';
    // var minValue = enosFunc.mcMin(record, targetMeasurementId);
    // var maxValue = enosFunc.mcMax(record, targetMeasurementId);
    // var sumValue = enosFunc.mcSum(record, targetMeasurementId);
    // var avgValue = enosFunc.mcMean(record, targetMeasurementId);
    // var covValue = enosFunc.mcCov(record, targetMeasurementId);
    // var inputValue = enosFunc.input(record, targetMeasurementId);

    // Write record to processor output

     catch (e) {

      // trace the exception

      // Send record to error
      error.write(records[i], e);