FAQs for Stream Processing

FAQs for Stream Processing are as follows:

Q: When configuring the running mode of a stream processing pipeline, which running mode shall I choose, the Standalone Mode or the Cluster Mode?

A: For the Standalone Mode, the underlying resources cannot be horizontally expanded, so the running resources are limited. However, the resource utilization efficiency of the Standalone Mode is high, and it is suitable for processing data with small traffic. For the Cluster Mode, the underlying resources can be horizontally expanded to meet the resource requirement of stream processing pipelines, and it is suitable for processing data with big traffic.

Q: How much resource shall I request for running a stream processing pipeline?

A: You can refer to the Operator Performance Description for the performance index of each operator. The required resource can be estimated based on the used operators, the data traffic size, and the running mode configuration of the stream processing pipeline. The most recommended method is to simulate the production data flow in the test environment, adjust the running resources of the stream processing pipeline according to the operation monitoring data, and then apply the corresponding configuration to the production environment.

Q: When I start a newly published stream processing pipeline, the startup is failed. Why?

A: Several reasons might cause the startup failure of stream processing pipelines. You can troubleshoot with the following steps.

  1. Ensure that your network connection is ready when you perform maintenance operations on the stream processing pipeline.
  2. Ensure that the requested resource quota is enough for the running resource configuration of the stream processing pipeline. You can request more resources or adjust the running resource configuration as needed.
  3. If stream processing system errors are reported, you can try restarting the stream processing pipeline or contact the EnOS operation team.

Q: My stream processing pipeline is started and running, but the calculated output is not generated as expected. Why?

A: The stream processing pipeline is running, but no output data is found on the monitoring page. The situation might be caused by the following reasons.

  1. The configuration of the stream processing pipeline is not correct, such as incorrect measurement point IDs.
  2. The input point data is not uploaded as expected, so no output data is generated.
  3. Required system pipelines are not started and running correctly, which caused the data consumption or data output failure.
  4. The output point is not registered in the asset model, so the calculated data cannot be stored normally.

Q: How many stream processing pipelines can be created for an organization?

A: Currently, an organization can have at most 50 stream processing pipelines.