List Pipelines

Get the list of stream processing pipelines in the organization by pages.


Stream processing pipelines are created with the Stream Processing service.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/streaming/v2.0/streaming/pipelines

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID. How to get the orgId>>
pageSize Query Optional Integer Number of returned records in each page. The default is 10.
pageNo Query Optional Integer Number of the current page. The default is 1.
isSystem Query Optional Boolean Specify whether to return system pipelines (true: returning system pipelines; false: not returning system pipelines). The default is false.
ifReleased Query Optional Boolean Specify whether to return released pipelines (true: returning released pipelines; false: not returning released pipelines). The default is false.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data List<JSONObject> List of queried stream processing pipelines and the count of pipelines. For details, see data


Name Data Type Description
count Integer Count of queried pipelines.
pipelines List<JSONObject> Detailed information of queried stream processing pipelines. For details, see pipelines


Name Data Type Description
orgId String Organization ID.
status String Status of the stream processing pipeline (possible values are PUBLISHED, RUNNING, PAUSED, and STOPPED).
version String Template version that is used by the stream processing pipeline.
pipelineId String Stream processing pipeline ID.
pipelineName String Stream processing pipeline name.
updateTime String When the stream processing pipeline was updated.
alarmConfig String Alarm settings of the stream processing pipeline (for example: {\"alarmMode\":1,\"receivers\":\"u15453595541281\"}).
templateType Integer Type of the template that is used by the stream processing pipeline. Possible values are 1: Origin Template; 0: Time Window Aggregation Template; 2: Multi-Merging Template; 3: Electric Energy Cal (by Metering Reading) Template; 4: Electric Energy Cal (by Average Power) Template; 5: Electric Energy Cal (by Instant Power) Template.
executionMode Integer Running mode of the stream processing pipeline (0: Standalone; 1: Cluster Mode).
resourceConfig String Resource configuration of the stream processing pipeline (for example: {\"men\":2.0,\"cpu\":1.0}).
messageChannel Integer Message channel that is used by the stream processing pipeline (0: Real-time Channel; 1: Offline Channel).

Error Code

Code Error Information Description
61115 Failed to get stream processing job. Failed to get the details of the stream processing pipeline.
61176 Param must be positive. Value of the parameters must be positive. Check the validity of the parameter values.
99000 Internal Server Error. Internal service error.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/streaming/v2.0/pipelines?orgId=yourOrgId&pageSize=1&pageNo=2&isSystem=false&ifReleased=true

method: GET

Return Sample

    "msg": "OK",
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "pipelines": [{
            "templateType": 1,
            "pipelineName": "extended_point",
            "alarmConfig": "{\"alarmMode\":0,\"receivers\":\"u15547747531551\"}",
            "resourceConfig": "{\"men\":2.0,\"cpu\":1.0}",
            "executionMode": 0,
            "updateTime": "2020-10-28 20:41:01",
            "version": "EDH Streaming Calculator Library 0.1.0",
            "messageChannel": 0,
            "orgId": "o15520323695671",
            "pipelineId": "64740da0-747c-4954-a098-981371e70724",
            "status": "RUNNING"
        }, {
            "templateType": 1,
            "pipelineName": "stream-bat",
            "alarmConfig": "{\"alarmMode\":0,\"receivers\":\"u15880500345361\"}",
            "resourceConfig": "{\"cpu\":0.5,\"men\":1.0}",
            "executionMode": 0,
            "updateTime": "2020-10-01 00:32:32",
            "version": "EDH Streaming Calculator Library 0.2.0",
            "messageChannel": 0,
            "orgId": "o15520323695671",
            "pipelineId": "a4e235fb-b183-405c-9329-6e41bd93e65d",
            "status": "STOPPED"
        "count": 2

SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for stream processing service on GitHub: