Create Report Template

Create a report template by uploading a report design file or a library file.

Request Format

POST https://{api-gateway}/report-design-service/v1.0/report-file?action=create

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The ID of the organization which the report template belongs to. How to get orgID>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
type Mandatory String Use cus or std to define the report template is custom or standard.
fileName Mandatory String The name of the RPT file, which will be set as the template name.
fileUrl Optional String The URL for the location of the RPT file. You must provide either fileUrl or fileBase64, and if both are provided, fileUrl will take precedence.
fileBase64 Optional String RPT file encoded in Base64. You must provide either fileUrl or fileBase64, and if both are provided, fileUrl will take precedence.
reportKey Optional String

The unique key of the report template. How to get reportKey>> A report template key must meet these requirements:

  • For a custom report template, its key must be unique in the OU.
  • For a standard report template, its key must be unique across all OUs.

Note that if you use reportKey to create a report template, you need to save the key in a secured place for later use, e.g. to query the template.

supportLanguage Optional String The supported languages, such as zh_CN, en_US, etc., should be separated by commas. The default language is en_US.

Response Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
reportId Mandatory String The unique ID of the report.
originalId Mandatory String The first reportId the interface returned after uploading the template.
reportKey Optional String The returned key after uploading the key of the report template.


Take a note of the returned reportId, which will be used as originalId if you need to update or perform other operations on this report template.

Response Content Type



Request Sample

POST https://{api-gateway}/report-design-service/v1.0/report-file/create?orgId=yourOrgId
    "fileUrl": "",
    "reportKey": "yourReportKey",
    "type": "cus"

Response Sample

    "msg": "OK",
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "reportId": "ddaa91a6723c9d111758c1cf52b14d8f",
        "originalId": "ddaa91a6723c9d111758c1cf52b14d8f",