Generate Report

Generate a report in multiple formats.

Request Format

POST https://{api-gateway}/report-runtime-service/v1.0/report?action=create

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The ID of the organization which the report template belongs to. How to get orgID>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
dynamicParameters Optional List<Object> The dynamic parameter.
reportKey Optional String

The unique key of the new report template. How to get reportKey>> A report template key must meet these requirements:

  • For a custom report template, its key must be unique in the OU.
  • For a standard report template, its key must be unique across all OUs.
reportId Optional String The ID of the report template. How to get reportId>>
originalId Optional String The ID of the root report template. How to get orgID>>
outputFormat Optional String Use pdf, docx, or xlsx. The default value is pdf.
local Optional String Use zh_CN or en_US. The default value is en_US.

If the report generated this time has synchronized private parameters, you can splice the private parameters in the dynamic parameter list of the interface and generate the report.

Response Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
outputFileId Mandatory String The uuid of the output template。
outputFilePath Mandatory String The URL of the output template. Use the value of outputFilePath after decryption.
generateTaskId Mandatory String The operation uuid of the task.
createTime Optional String The generation time of the template. Use the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
outputFormat Optional String The output format of the template.
validTime Optional String The valid time of the template.

Response Content Type



Request Sample

POST https://{api-gateway}/report-runtime-service/v1.0/report?orgId=yourOrgId&action=create
    "reportId": "uuid(32)",
     "reportKey": "report key",
     "originalId:"original id",
    "outputFormat": "pdf",
    "dynamicParameters": [
            "paramKey": "pointList",
            "paramValue": "SITE.RadiationACC,SITE.ActiveProduction,SITE.FullHour,SITE.TBA_TotalTime"
            "paramKey": "orgId",
            "paramValue": "o15910828289691"
            "paramKey": "mdmIds",
            "paramValue": "c5a29074-2a07-4335-9f29-ba751cd82abf"
            "paramKey": "startTime",
            "paramValue": "2020-01-01"
            "paramKey": "endTime",
            "paramValue": "2020-12-31"
            "paramKey": "token",
            "paramValue": "Bearer APP_PORTAL_S_Fpt5XcjQcVYvutRYTCDCcV5H38BDS442"
            "paramKey": "timeGroup",
            "paramValue": "M"

Response Sample

    "msg": "OK",
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "outputFileId": "0af6ce63375c6c9f876ac1f9632c1ccc",
        "outputFilePath": "",
        "generateTaskId": "46f0fe02256a5a24b23f7bcf4becd07a",
        "createTime": "2020-12-16 03:00:02",
        "outputFormat": "pdf",
        "validTime": 604800


You can find the generated report in the returned outputFilePath.