Query Series Report Template

Query report templates by specifying templates , organization IDs, and other parameters.

Request Format

GET https://{api-gateway}/report-design-service/v1.0/report-file/list?action=query

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The ID of the organization which the report templates belong to. How to get orgID>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
type Optional String To query custom templates, enter cus; for standard templates, enter std. If it is empty, all templates will be queried.
reportId Optional String The ID of the report template. How to get reportId>>
reportKey Optional String

The unique key of the new report template. How to get reportKey>> A report template key must meet these requirements:

  • For a custom report template, its key must be unique in the OU.
  • For a standard report template, its key must be unique across all OUs.
originalId Optional String The root ID of the report template. How to get originalId>>

The priority of the parameters to designate a report template is as below:

originalId (highest) > reportId > reportKey (lowest).

Among reportId, reportKey, and originalId, when any one is specified, the type parameter becomes invalid. When all are empty, all the latest report templates under the OU will be queried.

Response Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
reportId Mandatory String The unique ID of the report.
originalId Mandatory String The first reportId the interface returned after uploading the template.
reportKey Optional String The returned key after uploading the key of the report template.
createTime Mandatory String The create time of the report template. Use the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
name Optional i18NObject The template name if the RPT file has its template.
supportLanguage Optional List<String> The supported languages of the template if the RPT file has its template.

Response Content Type



Request Sample

GET https://{api-gateway}/report-design-service/v1.0/report-file/update?orgId=yourOrgId
    "reportId": "ddaa91a6723c9d111758c1cf52b14d8f",
    "reportKey": "yourReportKey",

Response Sample

    "msg": "OK",
    "code": 0,
    "data": [{
      "reportId": "002443f7b9a513b834b187999c6d8855",
      "type": "cus",
      "category": "R",
      "createTime": "2021-02-03 06:57:53",
      "originalId": "002443f7b9a513b834b187999c6d8855",
      "name": {
        "defaultValue": "KT"
      "supportLanguage": [
      "reportId": "003c9e7e0a1b8b68783c5b11288397e2",
      "type": "cus",
      "category": "R",
      "createTime": "2021-04-02 02:35:20",
      "originalId": "d73b6ce9214ff8d797d3ad4d88fed4b4"