Send Template SMS

This interface for operators by specified text messages sent a particular template text messages, custom template text of parameters for the caller to replace part of the text operators can increase the message signature, before the body of the request is sent successfully, SMS sending requests will be put into the message queue, users can receive a eventId, follow-up can be sent via eventId view the actual results.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/notification-center-service/v2.0/template/sms

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID. How to get the orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
variables Mandatory Map<String, String> The variables that need to be used in the SMS template can be checked in EnOS Console to select Notification Management > SMS > SMS Template
templateCode Mandatory String Template identifier(Identifier)
phones Mandatory List<Phone> The recipient’s mobile area code and telephone number
tunnelCode Mandatory String Specify the operator to send SMS, refer to the operator configuration instructions below for details
signatureCode Optional String To send SMS messages, you need to add the display of SMS signature before SMS. You need to go to EnOS Console to select Notification Management > SMS > Signatures page to view. Different ou and suppliers have different configurations
priority Optional Enum Message sending priority, P2 by default, no special configuration required

Response Parameters

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
eventId Mandatory String An eventId that returns the result for the user to query when a mail or SMS request is sent

Error Codes

Code Data Type Description
32404 signature is not exist The SMS signature does not exist
32404 sms template is not exist The SMS template does not exist
32400 variable not in template Error customizing variable in template
32400 tunnel code is not existed Message channel parameter error
32435 operation not allowed, the signature is not approved The SMS signature was not approved


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/notification-center-service/v2.0/template/sms?orgId=yourOrgId
method: POST
  "variables": {
    "aaa": "xxx"
  "signatureCode": "xx",
  "phones": [
      "area": "87",
      "number": "23"
  "templateCode": "awyfl",
  "priority": "P2",
  "tunnelCode": ""

Return Sample

{"code":0, "msg":"OK", "submsg":"", "requestId": null, "data":{"eventId": "evt16062008765401}}

Abnormal Sample

{"code":32403, "msg":"the quota is run out, test quota is limited", "submsg":"Permission denied:", "data": null, "requestId": null}