Get Thing Model

Get the model related information using its modelId.

If you need to invoke this API after Update Thing Model API, it is recommended to wait for about 2 seconds to avoid obtaining unupdated data.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/model-service/v2.1/thing-models?action=get

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Required/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Required String The organization ID which the model belongs to. How to get orgId>>
scope Query Optional Integer
  • 0 = Only search from the organization specified by the orgId.
  • 1 (default) = Search from the organization specified by the orgId as well as the organizations with public models.
modelId Query Required String The model ID. How to get modelID>>

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data ThingModel Struct The thing model. For more information on ThingModel struct, see ThingModel Struct.

ThingModel Struct

Name Data Type Description
modelId String The model ID.
modelIdPath String The model ID path.
orgId String The OU ID that created this model. For example, if a model in OU B is created by sharing from OU A, when you query the information of that model in OU B, the returned ID will be from OU A.
name StringI18n The model name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The model description.
category String The model category.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
attributes Map The key is the static attribute ID, of String type, and the value is of the ThingAttribute Struct. For more information, see ThingAttribute Struct.
measurepoints Map The key is the measurement point ID, of String type, and the value is of the ThingMeasurepoint Struct. For more information, see ThingMeasurepoint Struct.
services Map The key is the service ID, of String type, and the value is of the ThingService Struct. For more information, see ThingService Struct.
events Map The key is the event ID, of String type, and the value is of the ThingEvent Struct. For more information, see ThingEvent Struct.

ThingAttribute Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The attribute ID.
dataDefinition String The data definition of the dataType in this structure, which is a JSON string. For example, when the dataType is “STRING”, it defines the string length; when the dataType is “ENUM”, it defines the value and description. How to use dataDefinition>>
isRequired Boolean If true, the value of this attribute must be set when the asset is instantiated; otherwise the asset will return a validation failure error when it is created.
defaultValue As defined in the thing model The default value of the attribute. If the attribute has no default value, defaultValue would be null. Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.
name StringI18n The attribute name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The attribute description.
i18nDesc StringI18n The attribute description, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
isStdElement Boolean
  • true: This is an industry standard element.
  • false: This is not an industry standard element.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

stdElementId String

The URN of the element if isStdElement is true . The format is urn:enos:modelelement:std: <id> : <version> . id is the element ID. <version> is the version of the element.

If isStdElement is false , then stdElementId is null.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

unit Unit Struct For more information, see Unit Struct.

ThingMeasurepoint Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The ID of the measurement point.
dataDefinition String The data definition of the dataType in this structure, which is a JSON string. For example, when the dataType is “STRING”, it defines the string length; when the dataType is “ENUM”, it defines the value and description. How to use dataDefinition>>
name StringI18n The measurement point name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The measurement point description.
i18nDesc StringI18n The measurement point description, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
isStdElement Boolean
  • true: This is an industry standard element.
  • false: This is not an industry standard element.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

stdElementId String

The URN of the element if isStdElement is true . The format is urn:enos:modelelement:std: <id> : <version> . id is the element ID. <version> is the version of the element.

If isStdElement is false , then stdElementId is null.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

hasQuality Boolean
  • true: Has the quality indicator.
  • false: Does not have the quality indicator.
signalType String The signal/point type. E.g.: Generic, AI, PI, DI
unit Unit Struct For more information, see Unit Struct.

ThingService Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The service ID.
name StringI18n The service name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The service description.
i18nDesc StringI18n The service description, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
isStdElement Boolean
  • true: This is an industry standard element.
  • false: This is not an industry standard element.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

stdElementId String

The URN of the element if isStdElement is true . The format is urn:enos:modelelement:std: <id> : <version> . id is the element ID. <version> is the version of the element.

If isStdElement is false , then stdElementId is null.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

inputData ThingDatapoint Struct The service’s input parameters list. For more information, see ThingDatapoint Struct.
outputData ThingDatapoint Struct The service’s output parameters list. For more information, see ThingDatapoint Struct.
callType String

The calling type. This parameter will be deprecated.

  • ASYNC: Asynchronous.
  • SYNC: Synchronous.

ThingEvent Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The event ID.
name StringI18n The event name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The event description.
i18nDesc StringI18n The event description, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
isStdElement Boolean
  • true: This is an industry standard element.
  • false: This is not an industry standard element.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

stdElementId String

The URN of the element if isStdElement is true . The format is urn:enos:modelelement:std: <id> : <version> . id is the element ID. <version> is the version of the element.

If isStdElement is false , then stdElementId is null.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

outputData ThingDatapoint Struct The event’s output parameters list. For more information, see ThingDatapoint Struct.
eventType String Event type. E.g.: INFO, WARN, ERROR

ThingDatapoint Struct

Name Data Type Description
identifier String The data point ID.
dataDefinition String The data definition of the dataType in this structure, which is a JSON string. For example, when the dataType is “STRING”, it defines the string length; when the dataType is “ENUM”, it defines the value and description. How to use dataDefinition>>
name StringI18n The data point name, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
desc String The data point description.
i18nDesc StringI18n The data point description, supports internationalization. For more details on the structure and locales supported, see Internationalized name struct.
tags Map User-defined tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
isStdElement Boolean
  • true: This is an industry standard element.
  • false: This is not an industry standard element.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

stdElementId String

The URN of the element if isStdElement is true . The format is urn:enos:modelelement:std: <id> : <version> . id is the element ID. <version> is the version of the element.

If isStdElement is false , then stdElementId is null.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

unit Unit Struct For more information, see Unit Struct.
isRequired Boolean

Applicable only for service inputData. If true (default) and defaultValue is null, the value of this data point must be given when invoking the service.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

defaultValue Depends on the data type

The default value of the data point. If the data point has no default value, defaultValue would be null. Applicable only for service inputData.

Note: EnOS Edge does not support this parameter.

Unit Struct

Name Data Type Description
unitId String The unit ID.
multiplier String The multiplier of the unit. For more information, see Multiplier.


The multiplier of the unit can have the following values:

YOTTA ,//Y     10^24
ZETTA ,//Z     10^21
EXA   ,//E     10^18
PETA  ,//P     10^15
TERA  ,//T     10^12
GIGA  ,//G     10^9
MEGA  ,//M     10^6
KILO  ,//k     10^3
HECTO ,//h     10^2
DECA  ,//da    10^1
ONE   ,//      10^0
DECI  ,//d     10^-1
CENTI ,//c     10^-2
MILLI ,//m     10^-3
MICRO ,//μ     10^-6
NANO  ,//n     10^-9
PICO  ,//p     10^-12
FEMTO ,//f     10^-15
ATTO  ,//a     10^-18
ZEPTO ,//z     10^-21
YOCTO ,//y     10^-24


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/model-service/v2.1/thing-models?action=get&orgId=yourOrgId&modelId=yourModelId
method: GET

Response Sample

            "desc":"ActiveSC desc",
               "defaultValue":"ActiveSC desc",
                  "en_US":"ActiveSC desc",

            "desc":"90m wind speed",
               "defaultValue":"90m wind speed",
                  "en_US":"90m wind speed",
                  "zh_CN":"90m 风速"

            "desc":"80m wind speed",
               "defaultValue":"80m wind speed",
                  "en_US":"80m wind speed",
                  "zh_CN":"80m 风速"

            "desc":"110m wind speed",
               "defaultValue":"110m wind speed",
                  "en_US":"110m wind speed",
                  "zh_CN":"110m 风速"

            "desc":"Start system",
               "defaultValue":"Start system",
                  "en_US":"Start system",
                 "enumDesc": {
                    "0": {
                          "defaultValue": "关闭",
                           "i18nValue": {}
                   "1": {
                          "defaultValue": "打开",
                          "i18nValue": {}
                   "2": {
                          "defaultValue": "不定态",
                          "i18nValue": {}
                   "3": {
                          "defaultValue": "会不定态",
                          "i18nValue": {}
                 "enumType": "INT"
            "desc":"140m wind speed",
               "defaultValue":"140m wind speed",
                  "en_US":"140m wind speed",
                  "zh_CN":"140m 风速"

            "desc":"Solar measurement point",
               "defaultValue":"Solar measurement point",
                  "en_US":"Solar measurement point",
                  "zh_CN":"Solar 测点"

                        "zh_CN":"Delta 描述"

                        "zh_CN":"Delta 描述"

                  "desc":"Event 1",
                     "defaultValue":"Event 1",
                        "en_US":"Event 1",


SDK Samples

You can access the SDK samples for model service on GitHub: