Managing Atomic Metrics¶
Metric Management contains built-in standard metrics, but also supports custom atomic metrics based on business activities.
Before starting, ensure that the current account has been assigned a menu group including Metric Library. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.
Creating a Atomic Metric¶
If the built-in standard metrics are not applicable for your current business activities, you can create new atomic metrics according to the following steps.
The built-in standard metrics can not be edited.
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select the created metric library or create a new metric library on the left.
Under the current metric library, select New on the right side of the page, and enter the following information in the pop-up window:
ID: Enter an ID for the atomic metric that is unique under the current metric library.
Name: Enter the name of the atomic metric.
Type: Select the type of the atomic metric.
Level 1: Select level 1 if the metric is a non-detachable atomic metric abstracted based on the business logic.
Level 2: Select level 2 if the metric is defined based on the level 1 atomic metrics and operators. For example, the level 2 atomic metric “Integrated Auxiliary Power Consumption Ratio” can be defined by “Integrated Auxiliary Power Consumption Ratio”=”Total Active Energy”+”Total Selling Energy”, in which “Total Active Energy” and “Total Selling Energy” are level 1 atomic metrics.
Data Type: Select the data type of the atomic metric.
Aggregator: Select the function of the atomic metric in subsequent metric aggregation operations.
Unit: Select the unit of the atomic metric based on the statistical type of the business activity. For example, select “m/s” as the measurement unit of the atomic metric of “average wind speed”.
Business Owner: Select an account as the business owner under the current OU by entering keywords in the drop-down box. In addition, you can also fill in an account that is not registered under this OU.
Development Owner: Select an account as the development owner under the current OU by entering keywords in the drop-down box. In addition, you can also fill in an account that is not registered under this OU.
Description: Add a description for the atomic metric.
Select OK to create the atomic metric.
Editing a Atomic Metric¶
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select Edit
at the end of the target atomic metric in the metric library, and save or publish after modification.
Deleting a Atomic Metric¶
To delete a atomic metric, ensure that the derived or compound metric that associated with the atomic metric is deleted in advance.
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select Delete
at the end of the target atomic metric row in the metric library.
Viewing the Associated Derived Metric¶
When the atomic metric and derived metric are associated, View associated derived metrics ia available.
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select View associated derived metrics
at the end of the target atomic metric row in the metric library, and go to Derived Metric of Metric Library to view derived metrics created based on atomic metrics.
Importing Atomic Metrics¶
You can import atomic metrics to share them between different OUs.
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select Import under the current metric library, enter the data according to the template, and import the local atomic metrics into Metric Management.
If the imported atomic metric ID does not exist in the current metric list, the atomic metric will be added to the metric list.
If the imported atomic metric ID already exists in the current metric list, and the current atomic metric is associated with a derived metric, all field values under the current atomic metric except the Aggregator field will be overwritten by the imported values.
If the imported atomic metric ID already exists in the current metric list, and the current atomic metric has not associated with a derived metric, the field values of the current atomic metric will be completely overwritten by the imported values.
Exporting Atomic Metrics¶
You can export atomic metrics to migrate them between different OUs.
Select Metric Library in the left navigation bar, which goes to the Atomic Metric tab by default.
Select Export under the current metric library, select Default to export the configuration information of the atomic metrics without the governance information, such as business owners, or select Export with Governance Information to export all configuration information.