Attach Policy to User/User Group/Service Account

Attach policies to a user, user group, or service account.

Operation Permissions

Applications assigned with the administrator policy in the OU.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/enos-iam-service/v2.3/policy/grant

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The ID of the organization to which the user/user group/service account belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
subjectIds Mandatory String The ID of the user/user group/service arrount to attach the policy to. subjectIds has to align with the subjectType.
subjectType Mandatory String The subject type. Available values are: user, user_group, and app_instance. subjectType has to align with the subjectIds.
policy Mandatory AddPolicy Struct The information of the policies to be attached. For more information, see AddPolicy Struct.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/enos-iam-service/v2.3/policy/grant?orgId=yourOrgId
method: POST
request Body:
  "policy": {
    "add": [
  "subjectIds": "userId359",
  "subjectType": "user"

Return Sample

  "fail": false,
  "data": true,
  "success": true,
  "status": 0