Edge Extensive/IIoT Gateway

This section introduces hot fix issues in EEdge Extensive/IIoT Gateway v2.4.6.

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
New Feature Frequency conversion acquisition (energy storage) None
New Feature Cell data wave recording (energy storage) None
Issue Bacnet self-discovered search equipment is incomplete, depends on Edge Devportal None
Issue Bacnet self-discovered search measurement points are incomplete, depends on Edge Devportal None
Issue /data2/fe_protocol_data/ directory is not created after visual deployment. None
Enhancement Aadapt Daoli Zhiyuan industrial computer Serial port. None
Enhancement Availability detection for influxdb. None
Enhancement nsq memory message enqueuing optimization. None

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
New Feature Support transparent delivery - cascading and third-party forwarding. Depend on Edge Devportal None
New Feature Support internal 104 data compression for cascade and transparent. None
New Feature Support alarm pop-up window-Chifeng. None
New Feature Changes to the public models of fan/charging pile/electrolyzer-Chifeng None
Issue Reverse gatekeeper control back-to-school problem-Chifeng. None
Issue edge-datacollector set Measurepoint interface supports string-Chifeng None

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
New Feature Support Galileo cms. None
New Feature 104 transparent transmission delivery supports edge-edge forwarding debugging. Depend on Edge Devportal None
New Feature Gateway adapts to onebox. None