Device Self Discovery

Edge supports automatic search of current sub-devices and measuring point information in the local area network. Support search communication protocol:

  • Bacnet IP


During on-site access, if the equipment is already in operation and the detailed original point table information of the equipment cannot be obtained.The device and measuring point information registered to the corresponding protocol server can be collected through the device automatic search function to successfully complete the collection.


The EnOS Device Self Discovery feature has the following features:

  • Users can automatically search and add sub-devices and measuring points.
  • Users can independently select and export the information searched by EnOS Edge:
    • Measurement point has not been searched: Check the device and export the search information of the checked device; if there is no check operation, the current searched information will be exported in full.
    • Measurement point has been searched: Check the device and export the search information of the checked equipment and measuring points; if there is no check operation, the current searched information will be exported in full

Use Path

Step 1: Communication settings

Before opening the search function, you must set the communication parameters. The communication parameters required for different protocol searches are different.

Log in to the EnOS Management Console, select Edge List > Edge Details > Access > Auto Search from the left navigation bar, select the protocol to be configured, and fill in the parameters.

Step 2: Search for devices

After completing the communication settings, you can click the Search Device button to search for devices.


Bacnet IP device self-discovery only supports searching all devices in the current LAN.

Step 3: Search for measuring points

After completing the device search, you can turn on the measuring point search function:

  • Single device measurement point search: expand the device details, click the search measurement point button in the current device information box to search, and wait for the measurement point information to return.
  • Batch device measurement point search: check multiple devices, click the search measurement point button at the top of the page to search, and wait for the measurement point information to return.
  • Full equipment measurement point search: No need to check the equipment, just click the search measurement point button at the top of the page to search, and wait for the measurement point information to return.

Step 4: Search information export

Users can independently select and export the searched information for use:

  • Before searching for measuring points, check the device to export the search information of the checked device; without any check operation, export the current searched information in full.
  • After searching for the measuring point, check the device to export the selected device and the search information of the measuring point; without any check operation, export the current searched information in full.