Alert Management

The service enables dynamic triggering of alerts based on real-time device telemetry and analytics results. The service also enables you to manage the massive amounts of real-time alerts and historical alerts efficiently.

The main concepts of alarm management and alarm information flow are shown in the following figure:



EnOS Edge alert service can be applied in the folowing scenarios:

  • Device abnormal behavior detection
  • Device states change incident
  • Alert based on analysis result
  • Configure shielded alarms and delayed alarms to avoid generating a large number of invalid alarms


Here are the features of EnOS Edge alert service:

  • Support deivce measurement points and device status to trigger alerts
  • Support alerts based on analysis results
  • Support cross-model multi-measurement points and expressions to config alert rules
  • Support advanced alert scenarios(shielded alarms, delayed alarms)

Key Concepts

Alert Severity

Define the alert priority, the level of severity (such as danger, critical, error, warning and information)

Alert Type

The classification of the alerts, which can be defined based on the asset type and business requirements (such as Measurement Point exceed limit)

Alert Content

Define the alert in detail.

Alert Rules

Define the condition to trigger the alert.