Connectivity Services

EnOS Edge provides connectivity services to help you quickly and securely connect edge devices to EnOS system and start to transfer data, manage device lifecycle, and map the physical asset structure to the digital world.
EnOS Edge provides rich libraries of communication protocols and flexible configuration tools for multi-field industrial equipment, in order to enable quick connection of devices to EnOS Cloud, effective data provisioning for upper-layer applications, and real-time response and control towards lower-layer connected devices.



  • Directly connect devices & third-party systems for cloud data collection and control delivery
  • Forward real-time data of connected devices to a third-party system
  • Files collection & uploading from devices to the cloud & pushing to


Protocol Library

  • Provide standard public protocol

  • Support connecting to third-party APIs or customize private protocols

  • Unified management of protocol versions

  • Normalize the protocol point table file

    ### Data Collection

  • Based on the protocol library, collect various device data,Support collecting the measurement point data from sub-devices to EnOS Edge. You can configure the communication protocols, data collection frequency and other configuration items according to the point file and protocol configuration files

  • Provide access template to bear the mapping relationship between model points and device points Update,Support transferring the measurement point of sub-devices (device point) to the model points based on the thing model defined by cloud applications. You can also send the device point to EnOS Cloud so that applications can quickly read and write it

  • Provide Edge scan code APP to quickly access the device and collect data

  • Provide License to legally authorize Edge

For more information, see Connecting Edge Devices to EnOS.

Data Forwarding

  • Support forwarding model point data of the connected sub-device to the third party system or devices using standard protocols such as IEC104 and ModbusTCP etc.
  • While forwarding the collected data, it supports forwarding control points to obtain control commands sent by third parties
  • Provide forwarding template to bear the selected forwarding points
  • Automatically calculate the order of forwarding points

Upload Data to Cloud

  • Provide five upload types: Real-timeChangeTimerChange-TimerNo-upload
  • Support through model tag, preset model point upload type

Device control

Support acquiring the value of the model points from EnOS Cloud or the third part and then sending them to sub-devices, having multiple control sources

  • EnOS Cloud
  • Local Application
  • 3rd party system

File collection

  • Provide general file pull protocol
  • Upload file to EnOS Cloud by file model point

Data Debugging

Support checking data, message logs and logs to debug connection status in EnOS Edge for device onboarding.

Configuration Tools

Support different configuration tools for different scenarios, including cloud configuration tool (EnOS Management Console), local configuration tool, and local operation and maintenance tools. For more information, see Configuration Tool.