Get Channel for Setting Measurement Points

Get the details of the measurement point setting channel.

Request Format

GET http://{apigw-address}/dataService/setMeasurepointChannels/{setMeasurepointChannelId}?orgId={}

Request Parameters (URI)

Request parameters (URI)
Name Location (Path/Query) Required or not Data type Description
setMeasurepointChannelId Path True String ID of the channel for setting measurement points
orgId Query Yes String Organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Response Parameters

Response parameters
Name Data type Description
status Int Status code
msg String Response message
submsg String Response sub-message
data Object Response data object, the structure of which is in the table below
data object
Name Data type Description
id String Data object ID
setMeasurepointChannelId String ID of the channel for setting measurement points.
desc String Channel description


Request Sample

GET http://{apigw-address}/dataService/setMeasurepointChannels/{setMeasurepointChannelId}?orgId=o15434988531231

Response Sample
