About EnOS Edge API

EnOS provides REST APIs that cover the core business processes of the system. Based on these APIs, developers can access resources within the system to develop various applications.

  • EnOS Edge is the intelligent edge computing platform for EnOS Cloud. For more information, see EnOS Edge.
  • For more information on EnOS APIs and the different APIs that EnOS provides, see About EnOS API.
  • For more information on how to invoke EnOS APIs, see Get Started with EnOS API.

API List

EnOS provides the following API services:

API Request

The EnOS Edge API request consists of the following parts:

Request URI



  • URI-sheme: protocol, supporting HTTPS protocol.
  • apigw-address: Gateway address of the API service in the environment where EnOS is deployed. Its paradigm is apim-{domain-name}, where domain-name is the name of the EnOS deployment environment.
  • service-name: Service name, e.g. asset-service.
  • version: API version, e.g. v2.0.
  • endpoint-URL: Resources and operations on resources, e.g. assets/update.
  • query-param: Parameters and values for the target resource, e.g. orgId=1234. When there are multiple query parameters, they should be connected by &.

For example, to get the asset information in an organization, send the following API request:


Request Header

Any other fields required by the REST API specifications and HTTP specifications of the Request URI are bound in the request header.

The commonly used request header is Content-Type, which represents the data submission method. Generally, its value can be set to application/json;charset=UTF-8; if the file uploading or other form submission is performed, the value is set to Multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8.

Request Body

Request body is used to supplement the Request URI to provide more complex input parameters. For example, the request body below contains the parameters that specify the timezone, description, tags and other attributes to update an asset:

  "asset": {
    "modelId": "testModel",
    "assetId": "123",
    "timezone": "+08:00",
    "description": "hahdesc",
    "tags": {
      "site": "Shanghai",
      "producer": "ABC"

API Response

The response of EnOS Edge APIs is in JSON format as follows:

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "requestId": "6cb7a013-7f83-4620-97c8-4695a892acdf",
  "data": {

The returned parameters are described as follows:

Name Data Type Description
code Integer API request status code. 0 stands for successful request. For other status codes, refer to the public return codes and the error codes in the API documentation.
msg String Explanation of the status codes. “OK” indicates successful request. If the API request fails, the specific error information will be returned.
requestId String ID for each request. It is a unique identifier for an API request.
data Array or Object The set of API response result. Data types include: basic data types, complex types or arrays.

Description of Public Parameters

The public parameters for each API service are described as follows. For how to get and use other common parameters, see API FAQs

Public Request Parameters (Connection Service, etc.)

The public request parameters for the connection service, model service, asset service, event service, and asset tree service APIs are as follows:

Pagination Request Struct

The Pagination parameter is used for random pagination. The default pagination value is 10.

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
pageNo True Integer Request pages, starting from 1. (Start from 0 in Application Portal service)
pageSize True Integer Number of records in each page, which must be greater than 0
sorters False Sorter struct Pagination sorting method. (Not supported in Application Portal service)

Sorter struct

Name Required or Not Data Type Description
field True String Pagination field name
order False String ASC means ascending order, DESC means descending order, which is set as ASC by default

Pagination parameter sample

    "pagination": {
        "pageNo": 2,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "sorters": [{
            "field": "assetId",
            "order": "ASC"

Projection Parameter

The Projection parameter is used to crop the returned data result set. Its data type is String Array. Each of the string represents a result field that needs to be returned in the returned result. Any fields that are not specified in the projection would not be returned in the result set. When specifying a field, you can use:

Symbol Description
[*] Stands for each object in an array
* Stands for any field value
. Stands for sub-field

When the projection parameter is not provided, the data result set is not cropped.

Projection parameter sample

    "projection": [
        "assetPaths”, “assets.*.assetId”

Public Response Parameters (Connection Service, etc.)

The public response parameters for the connection service, model service, asset service, event service, and asset tree service APIs are:

Name Data Type Description
pagination Pagination response struct Pagination information for the current returned results

Public Response Codes (Connection Service, etc.)


Only the common response codes are listed here. Refer to the specific API documentation for the specific response codes of each interface.

The public response codes for the connection service, model service, asset service, event service, and asset tree service APIs are:

Code Description
99400 The request parameter is invalid. Check the request parameters.
99403 Missing permissions. Make sure you have the permission to access the API and requested resources.
99404 The specified object does not exist. For example, when getting, updating, or deleting a device, the specified deviceKey of the device does not exist.
99500 Server internal error. Contact EnOS support.


99400 error sample: missing parameter
    "code": 99400,
    "msg": "Invalid Argument action:action is missing",
    "requestId": "4d4bfd4d-b5c5-4b9c-b452-833516153b49",
    "data": null

99400 error sample: Invalid parameter
    "code": 99400,
    "msg": "Invalid Argument orgId:  orgId does not exist",
    "requestId": "4d4bfd4d-b5c5-4b9c-b452-833516153b49",
    "data": null

99403 error sample: missing permissions
    "code": 99403,
    "msg": “Denied resource:  orgId o15589291276361",
    "requestId": "4d4bfd4d-b5c5-4b9c-b452-833516153b49",
    "data": null

99500 error sample: internal server error
    "code": 99500,
    "msg": " Internal Server Error",
    "requestId": "4d4bfd4d-b5c5-4b9c-b452-833516153b49",
    "data": null

Public Response Codes (TSDB Data Service)


Only the common response codes are listed here. Refer to the specific API documentation for the specific response codes of each interface.

The public response codes for the TSDB data service APIs are:

Code Message Description
400 You do not have permission for the following assets The current application does not have permissions to the following assets.
400 Exception: Invalid param accessKey Invalid parameter accessKey.
400 xxx is required The value of parameter xxx cannot be null.
400 All asset authentication failed The current application does not have permissions for all devices that are queried.
400 Invalid Argument Invalid or missing parameters.
400 [modelId] permission denied [modelId] is invalid or has no access permission.
430 The request exceeds the maximum limit of network traffic within the service.
701 Service error.
702 Params startTime or endTime is invalid, and date format of them should be consistent Time format error. The local time format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; Timezone information is required for UTC time format, e.g. 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00.
702 xxx cannot be null or negative The value of parameter xxx cannot be null or negative.
702 xxx is empty The value of parameter xxx cannot be null or negative.
702 only one xxx is allowed At most one parameter xxx is allowed.
702 assetIds size measurement points size pageSize is too large to query, result size may exceed RPC limit The result set of a single query is too large. The calculation result by using the formula “Number of Devices Number of Measuring points pageSize” cannot be greater than 640,000.
702 param xxx is invalid The parameter xxx is invalid.
702 endTime should not be later than startTime The query end time should be later than the start time.
702 is not a valid integer The parameter is not a valid integer.
702 assetIds or measurement point does not match the model Device or measuring point does not match with the model.
702 Please config/check storage group for org[] and model[] The storage policy is not configured or the modelId is incorrect.