V2.5 Search DPS Device

Search for DPS devices based on the search criteria.

This API is only available if 2.4 Cumulative Update 2 has been applied to your environment.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/dps-service/v2.5/pvs/device?action=search

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
expression Required String

The query expression supports FQL queries with the following searchable fields: “sn”, “groupId”, “regionId”, “productKey”, “status”, “batchOrder”, “createTime”, and “deviceData”.

  • “sn”: supports the “=”, “IN” and “LIKE” operators.
  • “groupId”: supports the “=” and “IN” operators.
  • “regionId”: supports the “=” and “IN” operators.
  • “productKey”: supports the “=” and “IN” operators.
  • “status”: supports the “=” and “IN” operators.
  • “batchOrder”: supports the “=”, “!=”, “<”, “<=”, “>”, “>=”, and “IN” operators.
  • “createTime”: supports the “=”, “!=”, “<”, “<=”, “>”, “>=”, and “IN” operators.
  • “deviceData.”: supports the “=”, “IN”, “IS NULL” and wildcard “*” operators for matching any device metadata.
pagination Optional Pagination Request Struct Lists the paging requirements in a request. When not specified, 10 records are displayed per page by default. The maximum records per page is 1,000 but for optimal performance, it is recommended to have not more than 50 records per page. Supports sorters parameter to sort the results. By default, the records are sorted in descending order by createTime. Pagination Request Struct>>

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data PvsDevice Struct The information of the DPS device. For more information, see PvsDevice Struct.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/dps-service/v2.5/pvs/device?action=search
method: POST
    "expression": "sn = 'sn1' || deviceData.commDeviceSn in ('InverterTest_update','InverterTest','Inverter') && deviceData.regionId = 'region1'",
    "pagination": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "pageSize": 10,
    "sorters": [{
        "field": "deviceData.deviceSn",
        "order": "ASC"

Return Sample

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "OK",
  "requestId": "ee3e2bc8-4595-490d-88d4-72bfe86b66cd",
  "data": [
      "sn": "sn1",
      "groupId": "groupId",
      "regionId": null,
      "orgId": null,
      "productKey": "productKey",
      "batchOrder": 583,
      "batchTag": {
        "defaultValue": "batch_update",
        "i18nValue": {
          "en_US": "batch_update",
          "zh_CN": "批量更新"
      "deviceData": {
        "date": "2023-06-08",
        "commDeviceSn": "InverterTest_update",
        "seqNo": 1,
        "topoSize": 5,
        "modelID": "modelID_update",
        "optModel": "optModel_update",
        "deviceSn": "devicesn",
        "version": "version_update",
        "enum": "CENTRAL",
        "capacity": 20.2,
        "modelName": "modelName_update",
        "capacity_rated": 200.2,
        "assetId": "assetId",
        "parentDeviceSn": "InverterTest1_update",
        "regcode": "regcode_update",
        "optIndex": [
        "tokenInUse": "tokenInUse_update",
        "optVersion": "optVersion_update",
        "optSN": [
      "desc": "DCM AutoTest Desc_update",
      "status": {
        "currentStatus": "init",
        "connectedTime": null,
        "allocatedTime": null,
        "finishedTime": null,
        "discardedTime": null
      "reprovisioning": true,
      "allocateErrorMsg": "",
      "createBy": null,
      "createTime": 1690184441964,
      "updateBy": null,
      "updateTime": 1690184441964,
      "manufacturerOrgId": "manufacturerOrgId1",
      "connectStatus": "init",
      "allocateStatus": "init"
      "sn": "sn2",
      "groupId": "OSVXYB",
      "regionId": null,
      "orgId": null,
      "productKey": null,
      "batchOrder": 587,
      "batchTag": {
        "defaultValue": "batch_update",
        "i18nValue": {
          "en_US": "batch_en_us_update",
          "zh_CN": "batch_zh_cn_update"
      "deviceData": {
        "date": "2023-06-09",
        "commDeviceSn": "InverterTest_update",
        "seqNo": 1,
        "topoSize": 5,
        "modelID": "modelID_update",
        "timezone": null,
        "optModel": "optModel_update",
        "deviceSn": "deviceSn2",
        "version": "version_update",
        "deviceName": {
          "i18nValue": {}
        "enum": "STRING",
        "orgId": "orgId",
        "capacity": 20,
        "modelName": "modelName_update",
        "capacity_rated": 200,
        "regionId": "beta",
        "parentDeviceSn": "InverterTest1_update",
        "regcode": "regcode_update",
        "optIndex": [
        "tokenInUse": "tokenInUse_update",
        "optVersion": "optVersion_update",
        "tokenReplacing": null,
        "optSN": [
      "desc": "Desc_update",
      "status": {
        "currentStatus": "init",
        "connectedTime": null,
        "allocatedTime": null,
        "finishedTime": null,
        "discardedTime": null
      "reprovisioning": false,
      "allocateErrorMsg": null,
      "createBy": null,
      "createTime": 1690184442292,
      "updateBy": null,
      "updateTime": 1690184442292,
      "manufacturerOrgId": "manufacturerOrgId2",
      "connectStatus": "init",
      "allocateStatus": "init"
  "pagination": {
    "sortedBy": [
        "field": "deviceData.deviceSn",
        "order": "ASC"
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalSize": 2