YBSoftware eDOS

The YBSoftware eDOS node obtains the collected device data from the eDOS database via SDK or web service according to the tag name and outputs the data in the output msg.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has 1 entry point and multiple exit points. The input must be an array, and the output is JSON in key-value format.

Node Properties



The name for this node.


The connection mode. Available modes are: SDK and web service.

  • SDK

    • IP

      The IP address.

    • Port

      The port number.

    • User Name

      The user name used for the connection.

    • Password

      The password corresponding to the user name.

  • Web Service

    • URI

      The web service URI.

    • Port

      The port number.

Tag Name Source

The tag name source.

  • Default: Uses the tag name in the input message.
  • File: Download the configuration Excel file, fill in the tag name, and upload the file (max file size 1 MB). The tag name used will be taken from the file.


The description for this node.


  • Connection problems could occur due to server downtime or other instances that are not within our control.
  • Maximum file size for eDOS config file upload: 1 MB.


Input Sample


Output Sample
