
The Operation node parses the measurment point or attribute from the input msg according to the selected message type, performs low-code logic and math operations, and passes it to the downstream node as output msg.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has multiple entry points and 1 exit point. Both the input and output are JSON.

Node Properties



The name for this node.

Message Type

The message type, either Post Measurement Point or Post Attribute, to perform the operation on.


The model of the message type. You can select only 1 model.

Input Point

The measurement points or attributes (in), depending on the Message Type selected, of the model selected above which are used together with the Operator under Expression below for calculation (out). You can select multiple input points.

Output Point

The measurement point or attribute, depending on the Message Type selected, of the model selected above which is used to store the calculated result in Expression. The result will overwrite its existing value. You can only select 1 output point.


The calculation expression for the output. Click the operator and input points to build the expression.

  • out refers to the calculated result that will be stored in Output Point.
  • in referes to the input point.
Operator Formula Example Remarks
Abs out = abs(in1)

in1 = -9

out = 9

Returns the absolute value of the number.

  • in1 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Avg out = (in1 + in2) / 2

in1 = 7, in2 = 8.7

out = 7.85

Returns the average of 2 numbers.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Max out = max(in1, in2)

in1 = 3, in2 = 6

out = 6

Returns the higher value of the two.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Min out = min(in1, in2)

in1 = 3, in2 = 6

out = 3

Returns the lower value of the two.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Exp out = exp(in1)

in1 = 6

out = 403.4287934927351

Returns the exponential function with base e.

  • in1 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Modulus out = (in1 % in2)

in1 = 22, in2 = 3

out = 1

Returns the remainder after dividing.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
Power out = pow(in1, in2)

in1 = 3, in2 = 5

out = 243

Returns the power (in2) of a number (in1).

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
SquareRoot out = sqrt(in1)

in1 = 64

out = 8

Returns the squareroot of the number.

  • in1 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
And out = (in1 && in2)
  • in1 = 0, in2 = 0

    out = 0

  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 0

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 0

Returns true only if both values are true.

  • in1 and in2 = Boolean
  • out = Boolean
Or out = (in1 || in2)
  • in1 = 0, in2 = 0

    out = 0

  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 1

Returns true if one of the values is true.

  • in1 and in2 = Boolean
  • out = Boolean
Not out = (!in1)
  • in1 = 0

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1

    out = 0

Returns the reverse value.

  • in1 = Boolean
  • out = Boolean
Equal out = (in1 == in2)
  • in1 = 0, in2 = 0

    out = 1

  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1.1

    out = 0

  • in1 = 1.1, in2 = 1.1000008

    out = 0

Returns true if both values are the same.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Boolean
Greater Than out = (in1 > in2)
  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 0

  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 0

Returns true if in1 is greater than in2.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Boolean
Greater Than Equal out = (in1 >= in2)
  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 0

Returns true if in1 is greater than or equals to in2.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Boolean
Less Than out = (in1 < in2)
  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 0

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 0

Returns true if in1 is less than in2.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Boolean
Less Than Equal out = (in1 <= in2)
  • in1 = 0, in2 = 1

    out = 1

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 0

    out = 0

  • in1 = 1, in2 = 1

    out = 1

Returns true if in1 is less than or equals to in2.

  • in1 and in2 = Numeric
  • out = Boolean
Log10 out = lg(in1)

in1 = 35

out = 1.5440680443502757

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number.

  • in1 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric
LogE out = ln(in1)

in1 = 22

out = 3.091042453358316

Returns the natural logarithm of the number.

  • in1 = Numeric
  • out = Numeric

Click the Test button to test your expression by entering the expression to see if it works as designed.


The description for this node.


Only supports numeric and boolean values.


The samples below are based on the following data.

  • Input Point: attribute1, attribute2
  • Output Point: attr_int
  • Expression: pow(msg.attribute1, msg.attribute2)

Input Sample

  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "PostAttribute",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourOrgId"
  "Body": {
    "attribute1": 3,
    "attribute2": 5,
    "attr_int": 3

Output Sample

  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "PostAttribute",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourOrgId"
  "Body": {
    "attribute1": 3,
    "attribute2": 5,
    "attr_int": 243