Get Model Info

The Get Model Info node retrieves the model information of an asset.

Node Type


Input and Output Ability

This node has multiple entry points and 2 exit points (success/failure).

Node Properties



The name for this node.


The description for this node.


Input Sample

  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "TslTemplateGet",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourorgId",
    "ts": "1654511524404"
  "Body": {}

Output Sample

  • The values of componentResult indicates whether the message is sent successfully.
    • Success: The message is sent successfully.
    • Failure: Failed to send.
  • Body will display the information of the device model.
  "MetaData": {
    "messageType": "TslTemplateGet",
    "assetId": "assetId",
    "deviceKey": "deviceKey",
    "productKey": "productKey",
    "orgId": "yourorgId",
    "componentResult": "Success",
    "ts": "1654685272995"
  "Body": {
    "ComponentReply[TslTemplate-Get]": {
      "cachedVersion": "v2.1",
      "tslModelId": "testModelL",
      "ou": "yourorgId",
      "tslModelName": {
        "defaultValue": "testModelL",
        "i18nValue": {}
      "tslModelDesc": "",
      "tslModelCatagory": "",
      "tslAttributeMap": {
        "attr": {
          "minimum": -2147483648,
          "maximum": 2147483647,
          "exclusiveMinimum": false,
          "exclusiveMaximum": false,
          "hasQuality": false,
          "required": false,
          "accessMode": true,
          "identifier": "attr",
          "name": {
            "defaultValue": "attr",
            "i18nValue": {}
          "desc": "",
          "i18nDesc": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "i18nValue": {}
          "tags": {
            "tagMap": {}
          "createTime": 1654685150406,
          "priority": 1
      "tslMeasurepointMap": {},
      "tslServiceMap": {},
      "tslEventMap": {},
      "tag": {
          "tagMap": {}
      "enableMeasurepointValidate": true,
      "allowAdditionalAttribute": false,
      "allowAdditionalMeasurepoint": false,
      "briefMeasurepointIds": [],
      "inheritedAttributeIds": [],
      "inheritedMeasurepointIds": [],
      "inheritedServiceIds": [],
      "inheritedEventIds": [],
      "extraInfo": {
        "createBy": "system",
        "createTime": 1654521399762,
        "updateBy": "youraccount",
        "updateTime": 1654685151514,
        "ns": "yourorgId"
      "attributeDefiner": {
        "attr": "testModelL"
      "measurepointDefiner": {},
      "serviceDefiner": {},
      "eventDefiner": {},
      "modelIdPath": "/testModelL",
      "readableOus": []