Reporting Attribute Information

The third-party system reports the historical attribute data and EnOS will update the corresponding attribute information as per the reported data.


  • Request TOPIC: sys/${productKey}/integration/attribute/post
  • Response TOPIC:sys/${productKey}/integration/attribute/post_reply

Sample Request Format


Sample Response Format

    "id": "123",
    "code": 200,
    "data": {}

Request Parameter Description

Parameters Type Mandatory/Optional Description
id String Optional The message ID. It is a reserved parameter that is reserved for future use.
version String Mandatory The version of the protocol. The current version is 1.0.
params Array Mandatory The parameters required for reporting the attributes.
attributes Object Mandatory The list of the identifiers for the attributes to be reported. At most 200 attributes are allowed to be reported at a time. If this parameter is not specified, no attribute will be reported.
attr1 Struct Mandatory The identifier of the attribute that you want to report. In this example, the attribute has the identifier attr1. The value you set for the attribute must match the data type defined for this parameter. In this case, the data type for attr1 is struct, defined with 2 paramters key1 and key2.
key1 String Mandatory The parameter name of the struct data type of the attribute attr1.
key2 String Mandatory The parameter name of the struct data type of the attribute attr1.
method String Mandatory The request method.

Response Parameter Description

Parameter Type Mandatory/Optional Description
code Integer Mandatory The return code. “200” indicates that the request operation is executed successfully.
data JSON Mandatory The detailed returned information in JSON format.

Return Code

Return Code Error Message Explanation
1204 Model validate failed attributes contains invalid fields.
1257 Device not found The device does not exist.