Q: Does Data Synchronization service supports synchronizing both structured data and unstructured data?

A: Yes. Data Synchronization service supports synchronizing structured data and file stream (unstructured data).

Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services support system variables?

A: Yes. Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services support triggering time and business date variables, time-related variables, and non-time-related variables to achieve dynamic parameter transfer. For detailed information, see Supported System Variables.

Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services support resource isolation?

A: Yes. Currently, the resources used by the Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services are dynamically requested on demand. After data synchronization and batch processing jobs are completed, the resources can be released. The requested resources are completely isolated and do not affect each other.

Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services support alert configuration?

A: Yes. After configuring alert service for the Data Synchronization and Batch Processing services, the alert messages will be sent to the specified receivers through SMS or email upon running exception.

Q: Does the Batch Processing service support calling by external applications?

A: Yes. The Batch Processing service provides REST APIs for integration with external applications.

Q: Can data be filtered only by the row level when synchronizing data from MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle to EnOS Hive? Can I configure column-level data filtering conditions or complex query conditions to filter data in the data source?

A: Besides configuring row-level data filtering conditions in the data source, you can click Switch to SQL and enter data query statements to filter data when configuring the data synchronization job. However, note that the performance of SQL query statements depends on the performance of the source databases. Running SQL statements might also impact the database performance. It is not recommended to enter SQL query statements that are too complicated.

Q: Why can’t the tables in the MySQL database be displayed normally in Data Synchronization?

A: The time zone of MySQL database needs to be set as UTC, otherwise the tables in the MySQL database cannot be displayed normally.