SQL Statement Samples

The Federation Query product supports querying data from data sources by entering SQL statements. The SQL statements must comply with the ANSI/SQL2003 standard. Commonly used SQL statements are:

  • show schemas: View the schemas of all data sources that are defined by the data federation channels.

  • describe {full_table_path}: Query the table structure (if the tables are not of csv format, it might not be able to display the structure).

  • select {* / column_name} from {table_name} where {column_name} operator {value}: Query the rows and columns in a table.

  • Note: For differnt channel types, the table name syntax is different. When the channel type is READ, for single source query, the table name syntax is databaseName.tableName; for multiple source querey, the table name syntax is dataSourceName.databaseName.tableName. When the channel type is DOWNLOAD, the table name syntax is databaseName.tableName.

Usage Limit

  1. Because the file system supports varchar type by default, only COUNT, MAX, and MIN functions are supported. If you need to use other functions, you need to use CAST (xxxx AS type) to convert the data type.

  2. Some tables in Redis have fixed names, so you need to define alias names for the tables.

  3. JOIN must have conditions.

  4. CROSS JOIN is not supported.

  5. When using BETWEEN ... AND, you also need to use CAST (xxxx AS type) to convert the data type.

SQL Statement Samples

The following table shows SQL statement samples for querying data from various data sources. The rules for writing table names differ depending on the channel type.

Data Source

Table Structure

Sample Configuration

SQL Samples



  • Data Source Name: mysql_private

  • Database Name: test_database

  • Table Name: test_table

  • show tables from mysql_private.test_database

  • select * from mysql_private.test_database.test_table2017-05-26



  • Data Source Name: hive_enos

  • Database Name: db_keytab

  • Table Name: test_table

  • show tables from hive_enos.db_keytab

  • select * from hive_enos.db_keytab.test_table



  • Data Source Name: redis_private

  • Database Name: db0

  • show tables from redis_private.db0

  • select * from redis_private.db0


data_source.folder0.folder1.file0 (The file sysytem is different from that of databases. The file structure is data source, folders, and files.)

  • Data Source Name: hdfs_enos

  • Folder Name: folder0

  • File Name: test.csv

  • show files from hdfs_enos

  • show files from hdfs_enos.`folder0`

  • select * from hdfs_enos.`/folder0/file1`


data_source.bucket.folder1.file0 (S3 and Blob are also file systems, but with buckets.)

  • Data Source Name: s3_private

  • bucket Name:enos

  • Folder Name: folder0

  • File Name: test.csv

  • show files from s3_private.enos

  • show files from s3_private.enos.`/folder0`

  • select * from s3_private.enos.`/folder0/file1`


data_source.topic (Kafka is different from other data sources. It has data source and topics only.)

  • Data Source: kafka_enos

  • Topic: MEASURE_POINT_INTERNAL_o15815849618351

  • show tables from kafka_enos

  • select * from kafka_enos.MEASURE_POINT_INTERNAL_o15815849618351

Commonly Used select Example

select {* / column_name} from {table_name} where {column_name} operator {value}

select * from stock_information where stockid = str(nid)
stockname = 'str_name'
stockname like '% find this %'
or stockpath = 'stock_path'
or stocknumber < 1000
and stockindex = 24
not stock*** = 'man'
stocknumber between 20 and 100
stocknumber in(10,20,30)
order by stockid desc(asc)
order by 1,2
stockname = (select stockname from stock_information where stockid = 4)

select distinct column_name form table_name
select stocknumber , (stocknumber + 10)`stocknumber+10` from table_name
select stockname ,  (count(*)`count` from table_name group by stockname
having count(*) = 2

select *
from table1, table2
where table1.id = table2.id

select stockname from table1
union [all]
select stockname from table2

Commonly Used Functions

Statistical Functions

  • AVG


  • MAX

  • MIN

  • SUM

  • STDEV()

  • STDEVP()

  • VAR()

  • VARP()

Arithmetic Functions

Trigonometric Functions

  • SIN(float_expression)

  • COS(float_expression)

  • TAN(float_expression)

  • COT(float_expression)


  • EXP(float_expression)

  • LOG(float_expression)

  • LOG10(float_expression)

  • SQRT(float_expression)

Functions for Approximate Values

  • CEILING(numeric_expression)

  • FLOOR(numeric_expression)

  • ROUND(numeric_expression)

  • ABS(numeric_expression)

  • SIGN(numeric_expression)

  • PI()

  • RAND([integer_expression])

String Functions

  • ASCII()

  • CHAR()

  • LOWER()

  • UPPER()

  • STR()

Data Functions

  • DAY()

  • MONTH()

  • YEAR()

  • DATEADD(,,)

HDFS Query Rules

  • Before querying data in HDFS across organizations through a data federation channel, ensure that the corresponding HDFS access permissions have been added through the Data Asset Authorization page.

  • HDFS query does not support wildcards. If wildcards are used when authorizing data assets in HDFS paths, you need to type the complete HDFS path in the SQL statement. Otherwise, the SQL statement running will report errors.

Samples for Aggregating Data in TSDB

Taking the following data stored in TSDB as example, the samples below show how to query and aggregate data stored in TSDB through a data federation channel.

  • Devices: “hiGNjDBJ”, “9wmyXxKf”

  • Measurement points: “ai_point_1”,”ai_point_2”,”ai_point_3”,”ai_point_4”,”ai_point_5”

  • Data density: 1 data record per second

  • Query time range: “2020-11-01 00:00:00” to “2020-12-01 00:00:00” (86400 data records/point)

  • Federation channel type: READ - Multiple Sources


Multiple Devices and Multiple Points

Use the following SQL statement to aggregate data of multiple devices and multiple measurement points in 1 day and calculate the average value:

select cast((`timestamp`/3600000) * 3600000 as timestamp) as ts , assetId, pointId, avg(value) as point_avg from tsdb.o15504722874071.eniot where assetId in ('hiGNjDBJ', '9wmyXxKf')   and pointId in('ai_point_1','ai_point_2')and local_time >= '2020-11-01 00:00:00' and local_time < '2020-11-02 00:00:00'   GROUP BY  (`timestamp`/3600000), assetId,pointId

The aggregation result is as follows:


Multiple Devices and Single Point

Use the following SQL statement to aggregate data of a single measurement point of multiple devices on the section after aggregation:


with t as (select cast((`timestamp`/3600000) * 3600000 as timestamp) as ts , assetId, pointId, avg(value) as value from tsdb.o15504722874071.eniot where assetId in ('hiGNjDBJ', '9wmyXxKf') and pointId in('ai_point_1','ai_point_2')and local_time >= '2020-11-01 00:00:00' and local_time < '2020-11-02 00:00:00' GROUP BY (`timestamp`/3600000), assetId,pointId) select t.pointId,t.ts,sum(t.value) as sumPointValue from t where t.pointId in('ai_point_1','ai_point_2') group by t.ts, t.pointId ORDER BY ts

The aggregation result is as follows:


Single Device and Multiple Points

Use the following SQL statement to aggregate data of 2 measurement points of the same device:


with t as (select cast((`timestamp`/3600000) * 3600000 as timestamp) as ts , assetId, pointId, avg(value) as value from tsdb.o15504722874071.eniot where assetId in ('hiGNjDBJ', '9wmyXxKf')   and pointId in('ai_point_1','ai_point_2')and local_time >= '2020-11-01 00:00:00' and local_time < '2020-11-02 00:00:00'   GROUP BY  (`timestamp`/3600000), assetId,pointId) select t.ts, t.assetId, sum(CASE WHEN t.pointId in ('ai_point_1','ai_point_2') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as pointTmp from t group by t.ts,t.assetId

The aggregation result is as follows:


Aggregating Data with Dimension Tables in MySQL

Use the following SQL statement to aggregate data with dimension tables in MySQL:

point1_real= ai_point_1*ai_point_1_coefficient

with t as (select cast((`timestamp`/3600000) * 3600000 as timestamp) as ts , assetId, pointId, avg(value) as value from tsdb.o15504722874071.eniot where assetId in ('hiGNjDBJ', '9wmyXxKf')   and pointId in('ai_point_1')and local_time >= '2020-11-01 00:00:00' and local_time < '2020-11-02 00:00:00'   GROUP BY  (`timestamp`/3600000), assetId,pointId) select  t.assetId, t.pointId, t.value*m.ai_point_1_coefficient as point1_real from mysql196.test.device m join t on m.dev_id=t.assetId

The aggregation result is as follows:
