Search Data

Query data objects under a specified data type. Supports filtering data by data objects attribute value, associated tags and tag attributes, and associated business terms.

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/search

Request Parameters(URI)

Name Location(Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String OU ID

Request Parameters(Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
typeId Mandatory String The type identifier (Including master data and metadata)
pageNo Mandatory Int The page turning parameter, representing page number (Numbering starting from 1)
pageSize Mandatory Int The page turning parameter, representing the number of returned data
excludeDelete Optional bool Whether to exclude deleted data objects (The field in the nebula engine version is not valid, that is, deleted objects will not be returned. The default value is “true”, which means that deleted objects will not be returned.)
entityAttrFilters Optional json
The json string. Filter data by data attribute value. Supports multiple attributes filtering. For different data object types, the attributes that support filtering are as follows:
  • DataSource : name
  • HiveTable : name
  • DTV Service: id , name
  • FileSet: id , name , fileType
  • Asset id: name, nameCn, nameEn, modelId, timezone
  • AssetTreeNode: assetId, assetName, modelId, treeId, parentAssetId
  • Measure: id, name
  • Business Term/Metric: filtering by attributes is not supported currently.
  • Custom master data type: support filtering by all user-defined attributes
tagAttrFilters Optional json The json string. Filter by tags and tag attributes. Only supports filtering by one single tag.
termFilters Optional String The business term filtering condition. The terms need to have glossary information, and pass parameters in glossaryIdd:termId format. Only supports filtering by one single term.


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
condition Optional String The enumeration values: AND, OR
criterion Optional jsonArray The filtering condition


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
attributeName Optional String The attribute name used for filtering
operator Optional String
The filter. The enumeration value types are described as follows:
  • lt:less than
  • gt:greater than
  • lte:less than or equal to
  • gte:greater than or equal to
  • eq:equal to
  • neq:not equal to
  • contains:containing matching
  • startsWith:prefix matching
  • endsWith:suffix matching

int, short, long, float, double, byte, date type support [Less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to].

String type supports [equal to, contains, startsWith, endsWith]. Bool type supports [equal to].

bool type supports [equal to].
attributeValue Optional Object The attribute value used for filtering


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
tagId Optional String The Tag ID
condition Optional String The enumeration values: AND, OR
criterion Optional jsonArray The filtering condition


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
attributeName Optional String The attribute name used for filtering
operator Optional String
The filter. The enumeration value types are described as follows:
  • lt:less than
  • gt:greater than
  • lte:less than or equal to
  • gte:greater than or equal to
  • eq:equal to
  • neq:not equal to
  • contains:containing matching
  • startsWith:prefix matching
  • endsWith:suffix matching

int, short, long, float, double, byte, date type support [Less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal to, not equal to].

String type supports [equal to, contains, startsWith, endsWith]. Bool type supports [equal to].

bool type supports [equal to].
attributeValue Optional Object The attribute value used for filtering

Response Parameter

Name Data Type Description
data jsonArray Return the list information of the specific data object queried


Name Data Type Description
owner String Owned by
updatedTime timestamp Last updated on
createdBy String Created by
name String The name
guid String The unique identifier in the OU. Data object ID.


Request Sample

url:    https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/search?orgId=yourOrgId

method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

    "typeId": "UD_test",
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "excludeDelete": false,
    "entityAttrFilters": {
        "condition": "AND",
        "criterion": [{
            "attributeName": "height",
            "operator": "lt",
            "attributeValue": "70"
        }, {
            "attributeName": "turbineId",
            "operator": "=",
            "attributeValue": "ch9876"
    "tagAttrFilters": {
        "tagId": "lc:lctag",
        "condition": "OR",
        "criterion": [{
            "attributeName": "attribute1",
            "operator": "lt",
            "attributeValue": 10
        }, {
            "attributeName": "attribute2",
            "operator": "gt",
            "attributeValue": 9.876

Return Sample

    "code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "data": [{
                "owner": "testOwnerName",
                "updatedTime": null,
                "createdBy": "testOwnerName",
                "name": "Turbine1",
                "guid": "43ce1497-cbc5-4787-9b46-803297361ec6"
                "owner": "testOwnerName",
                "updatedTime": null,
                "createdBy": "testOwnerName",
                "name": "Turbine2",
                "guid": "43ce1497-cbc5-4787-9b46-803297361ec6"

Error Code

Code Message
41001 Parameters [%s] required.
41054 Param [%s: %s] is invalid.
41090 Atlas detail error msg: %s.
41131 Condition [%s] is invalid,Condition supported AND/OR.
41132 Operator[%s] is invalid: The operator of the attribute [%s] supports [%s].
41133 Attribute [%s] not exist or not supported to search.
42037 Tag[%s] Attribute[%s] value does not match type.
42039 Attribute[%s] value does not match type.
42052 [%s] type not exist!
99000 Internal Server Error.