View Data Objects Details (Searching by GUID)

Get the details of data objects according to GUID. Data details include basic information, associated data objects, associated tags and tag attributes, and associated business terms.

Request Format

GET https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/guids/{guid}/detail

Request Parameters(URI)

Name Location(Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
guid Path Mandatory String The data object guid
orgId Query Mandatory String The OU ID

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data json Return the detailed information of the specific data object queried


Name Data Type Description
basic json The basic information of the data object
tags jsonArray The information of tags associated with the data object
terms jsonArray The information of terms associated with the data object
relationships json The information of objects associated with the data object


Name Data Type Description
owner String Owned by
typeId String The type identifier
createdTime timestamp Created on
updatedTime timestamp Updated on
updatedBy String Updated by
createdBy String Created by
name String The name
attributes json The attribute. Expressed in the form of <key, value>. The value of key is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier, and the type of key is “String”, and the type of value is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier.


Name Data Type Description
tagId String The tag ID
attributes json The tag attribute. Expressed in the form of <key, value>. The value of key is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier, and the type of key is “String”, and the type of value is determined according to the specific type definition represented by the type identifier.


Name Data Type Description
termId String The term ID


Name Data Type Description
typeId String The type identifier of the associated data object
displayName String The display name of the associated data object
guid String The GUID of the associated data object


Request Sample

url:    https://{apigw-address}/data-catalog/v2.0/entities/guids/{yourEntityGuid}/detail?orgId=yourOrgId

method: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Return Sample

        "code": 0,
        "message": "",
        "data": {
                "basic": {
                        "owner": null,
                        "typeId": "UD_Test",
                        "updatedTime": 1623921622948,
                        "updatedBy": "SYS",
                        "createdBy": "SYS",
                        "name": "",
                        "createdTime": 1623921622948,
                        "attributes": {
                                "turbineId": "ch9876"
                "tags": [{
                        "tagId": "testTagGroup:test",
                        "attributes": {
                                "string": "q",
                                "int": 1
                "terms": [{
                                "termId": "test2"
                                "termId": "test1"
                "relationships": {
                        "site": [{
                                "typeId": "UD_test2",
                                "displayName": "cr678",
                                "guid": "43ce1497-cbc5-4787-9b46-803297361ec6"
                        "physicalData": [{
                                        "typeId": "UD_test3",
                                        "displayName": "cy765",
                                        "guid": "43ce1497-cbc5-4787-9b46-803297361ec6"
                                        "typeId": "UD_test4",
                                        "displayName": "cy735",
                                        "guid": "43ce1497-cbc5-4787-9b46-803297361ec6"

Error Code

Code Message
41001 Parameters [%s] required.
41090 Atlas detail error msg: %s.
41122 Entity is not exist,guid is [%s].
99000 Internal Server Error.