Viewing Data Details

In the search result list, click View view_object_icon or the specific object ID, to view the data details. Different types of data, due to their different nature, will display different types of details.


Viewing Metadata Details

Measurement Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the measurement, including the measurement ID, name, data type, etc.


Click Delete Measurement delete_icon to delete this measurement.

Click Edit Measurement edit_icon to delete this measurement (ID and data type cannot be edited).

In the measurement search result list, if the Source Type is displayed as EnOS IoT Hub, this means that the measurement is synchronized from the IoT Hub, so deletion and editing is not supported.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a measurement’s tag information, including tags associated with the measurement, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Associated Asset Information

On the Associated Assets tab, you can view the measurement’s associated asset information, including the ID and name of the associated assets. In the Operations column: you can perform the following operations:

  • Click Details to go to the asset details page

  • Click Disassociate to disassociate the asset from the measurement


    Synchronizing measurements and asset unbundling from the access side are not supported

  • Click Data Insights to go to, under the Time Series Data Management service, the Data Insights function, to view the time series details of the asset

  • Click Add to select the assets to be associated.


Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the measurement’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Hive Table Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the Hive Table, including the Hive table name, asset type, resource type, etc.


Click Edit edit_icon to edit the description and columns of the Hive table.

In the Hive table search result list, if the Source Type is displayed as EnOS Hive, this means that the Hive table is synchronized from the IoT Hub, so deletion is not supported.

Column Information

On the Columns tab, you can view information about the Hive table’s columns, including the column name, type, and partition information.

Lineage Information

On the Lineage tab, you can view the Hive table’s lineage Information, including:

  • Which tables are the current Hive table’s created tables and the resulting tables
  • Lineage relationship level: drop down to select the lineage relationship level
  • Click on an object in lineage to view its basic information.
    • Table basic information: GUID, asset type, name, creator, and creation time
    • Process basic information: the process statement related to the table


Lineage Canvas can be zoomed in, zoomed out, refreshed, and adjusted to full screen, etc.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a Hive table’s tag information, including tags associated with the Hive table, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Data Preview Information

On the Data Preview tab, you can preview the first 100 data entries of the Hive table.

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the Hive table’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

FileSet Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the FileSet, including the FileSet ID, name, description, and other information.


Click Edit edit_icon to edit this FileSet (ID cannot be edited).

Click Delete delete_icon to delete this FileSet.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a FileSet’s tag information, including tags associated with the FileSet, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

File List Information

On the File List tab, you can view the FileSet’s file information, including FileSet file path, update time, and operations.

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the FileSet’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

DTV Service Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the DTV Service, including the DTV Service ID, name, host, and other information:


Click Edit edit_icon to edit this DTV Service (ID cannot be edited).

Click Delete delete_icon to delete this DTV Service.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a DTV Service’s tag information, including tags associated with the DTV Service, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the DTV Service’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Data Source Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the data source, including the data source name, type, IP address, and other information.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a data source’s tag information, including tags associated with the data source, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the data source’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Business Term Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the business term, including the glossary, classification path, and additional attributes.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a business term’s tag information, including tags associated with the business term, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Associated Object Information

On the Associated Objects tab, view information about objects associated with the business term, including the object ID, name, and object type.

Click on the specific object name to go to the object’s details page, where you can view the basic information, relationship, tags, and other information about the associated object.

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the business term’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Master Data Details

Asset Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the asset, including the Asset ID & name, model ID & name, etc.

Click View view_object_icon to go to the Device Management service’s Logical Asset function to view the logical asset’s details, including attributes, measurement points, events, and so on.

Relationship Information

On the Relationships tab, you can view the objects associated with the asset, including the relationship identifier and object name.

Click on the specific object name to go to the object’s details page, where you can view the basic information, relationship, tags, and other information about the associated object.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a asset’s tag information, including tags associated with the asset, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog service’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the asset’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Asset Tree Node Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the basic information about the asset tree node, including the tree ID, parent ID, model ID, etc.

Click View view_object_icon to go to the Device Management service’s Logical Asset function to view the logical asset’s details, including attributes, measurement points, events, and so on.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a asset tree node’s tag information, including tags associated with the asset tree node, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the asset tree node’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.

Custom Master Data Type Data Details

Basic Information

On the Basic Information tab, you can view the objects associated with the master data, including the name and other custom attribute information.

Relationship Information

Relationships tab, you can view the objects associated with the master data, including the relationship identifier and object name.

Click on the specific object name to go to the object’s details page, where you can view the basic information, relationship, tags, and other information about the associated object.

Tag Information

On the Tags tab, you can view a master data’s tag information, including tags associated with the master data, tag groups, tag attributes, and other information.


Click Delete delete_icon to delete this tag.

Click Edit edit_icon to delete this tag (the tag attributes of the Data Catalog’s built-in tags cannot be edited).

Audit Information

On the Audit tab, you can view the asset tree node’s audit information, including audit users, user types, operations, and other information.

Click View view_object_icon to view the audit details.