Search Sub-Device

Search for sub-devices under the specified gateway.

Operation Permissions

Required Authorization Required Operation Permission
Device Management Read

Request Format

POST https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/device-topos?action=searchSubDevice

Request Parameters (URI)

Name Location (Path/Query) Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID which the asset belongs to. How to get orgId>>

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
gateway Mandatory DeviceIdentfier Struct Information of the gateway the sub-devices are under. For details, see DeviceIdentfier Struct>>
expression Optional String

The query expression, which supports sql-like query. The fields that are supported for query include: modelId , deviceAttributes , deviceTags, productKey, deviceKey, assetId, deviceName, and status.

  • deviceAttributes: supports arithmetic operator “=”, “exists”, “not exists”, and “in”. To use this parameter in a query, you need to use the format deviceAttributes.attributeId to specify an attribute. For example, “deviceAttributes.temperature”=35.5.
  • deviceTags: supports arithmetic operator “=”, “exists”, “not exists”, and “in”. To use this parameter in a query, you need to use the format deviceTags.keyName to specify the key of a tag. For example, “deviceTags.Region” = “China”
  • modelId , productKey , deviceKey , and assetId : support arithmetic operators “=” and “in”
  • deviceName: supports fuzzy inquiry of the specified language:
    • deviceName like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of the default name, Chinese name, and English name
    • deviceName.default like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of the default name
    • deviceName.zh_CN like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of the Chinese name. If no Chinese name exists, fuzzy inquiry of default name
    • deviceName.en_US like ‘xxx’: fuzzy inquiry of the English name. If no English name exists, fuzzy inquiry of default name
  • status: supports arithmetic operator “=”, valid values are: “inactive”, “online”, “offline”, “disable”, and “mirror”

How to use expression>>

pagination Optional Pagination Request Struct Lists the paging requirements in a request. When not specified, 10 records are displayed per page by default. The maximum records per page is 200 but for optimal performance, it is recommended to have not more than 50 records per page. sorters is not supported to sort the response. For details, see Pagination Request Struct>>
projection Optional Projection Struct Enables you to crop the data result set returned in the request if needed. Only the specified fields will be returned in the data result set if this parameter is used. Otherwise all fields are returned. For more details, see How does projection crop the result set>>

DeviceIdentifier Struct

Note: Use either the (assetId) or (productKey + deviceKey) for the following.

Name Data Type Description
assetId String The asset ID. How to get assetId>>
productKey String The product key. To be used with deviceKey.
deviceKey String The device key. To be used with productKey.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Description
data Array of Device Structs A list of the devices returned. For the details of a Device Struct, see Device Struct.

Device Struct

Name Data Type Description
orgId String The organization ID which the asset belongs to.
assetId String The asset ID.
modelId String The model ID which the asset belongs to.
modelIdPath String The model ID path.
productKey String The product key.
productName StringI18n The product name.
productType String The product type.
dataFormat String
  • "Custom" represents the user-defined data type
  • "Json" represents the json data type
deviceKey String The device key.
deviceName StringI18n The device name.
deviceSecret String The device secret identifier.
deviceDesc String The device description.
timezone String Timezone of the device’s location.
deviceAttributes Map The device attributes. The Key is the attribute ID, and the Value type depends on the attribute defined in the ThingModel.
deviceTags Map The device tags. (The Key and Value are of String type.)
createTime Long The time when the device was created.
status String The device status (online, offline, inactive, disable, or mirror).
activeTime Long The time when the device was activated.
lastOnlineTime Long The last online time of the device.
lastOfflineTime Long The last offline time of the device.
measurepointLastUpdate Long The last time when a measurement point was updated.
eventLastUpdate Long The last time when an event was updated.
attributeLastUpdate Long The last time when an attribute was updated.
featureLastUpdate Long The last time when a measurement point, an event, or an attribute was updated.

Error Codes

Code Message Description
11738 Not Gateway The device specified in gateway is not a gateway.


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/connect-service/v2.1/device-topos?action=searchSubDevices&orgId=yourOrgId
method: POST
requestBody: {"gateway":{"assetId":"yourAssetId"}}

Return Sample

        "code": 0,
        "msg": "OK",
        "requestId": "498d1c5b-7c4f-401a-a9ff-9072931bec2e",
        "data": [{
            "orgId": "yourOrgId",
            "assetId": "mAEsF3sm",
            "modelId": "AlterTest0617",
            "modelIdPath": "/AlterTest0617",
            "productKey": "yourProductKey",
            "productName": {
                "defaultValue": "AlterTest0617_Product",
                "i18nValue": {}
            "productType": "Device",
            "dataFormat": "Json",
            "deviceKey": "yourDeviceKey",
            "deviceName": {
                "defaultValue": "testforCreatedevice",
                "i18nValue": {}
            "deviceSecret": "yourDeviceSecret",
            "deviceDesc": "test for createdevice",
            "timezone": "+08:00",
            "deviceAttributes": {
                "testatt": 111111
            "deviceTags": {},
            "createTime": 1560755091998,
            "status": "inactive",
            "activeTime": 0,
            "lastOnlineTime": 0,
            "lastOfflineTime": 0,
      "measurepointLastUpdate": null,
      "eventLastUpdate": null,
      "attributeLastUpdate": null,
      "featureLastUpdate": null
        }, {
            "orgId": "yourOrgId",
            "assetId": "gVRwKQ3C",
            "modelId": "AlterTest0617",
            "modelIdPath": "/AlterTest0617",
            "productKey": "yourProductKey",
            "productName": {
                "defaultValue": "AlterTest0617_Product",
                "i18nValue": {}
            "productType": "Device",
            "dataFormat": "Json",
            "deviceKey": "yourDeviceKey",
            "deviceName": {
                "defaultValue": "AlterTest0617_Product",
                "i18nValue": {}
            "deviceSecret": "yourDeviceSecret",
            "deviceDesc": null,
            "timezone": "+10:00",
            "deviceAttributes": {},
            "deviceTags": {},
            "createTime": 1560730295671,
            "status": "offline",
            "activeTime": 1560730567958,
            "lastOnlineTime": 1560743932166,
            "lastOfflineTime": 1560744112166,
      "measurepointLastUpdate": null,
      "eventLastUpdate": null,
      "attributeLastUpdate": null,
      "featureLastUpdate": null

Java SDK Sample

package com.envisioniot.enos.api.sample.connect_service.device.topo;

import com.envision.apim.poseidon.config.PConfig;
import com.envision.apim.poseidon.core.Poseidon;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.device.topo.SearchSubDeviceRequest;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.v2_1.device.topo.SearchSubDeviceResponse;
import com.envisioniot.enos.connect_service.vo.DeviceIdentifier;

public class SearchSubDevice {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String appKey = "yourAppKey";
        final String appSecret = "yourAppSecret";
        String serverUrl = "yourServerUrl";

        String orgId = "yourOrgId";
        SearchSubDeviceRequest request = new SearchSubDeviceRequest();
        request.setGateway(new DeviceIdentifier("J1Rqyaqz"));

        SearchSubDeviceResponse response = Poseidon.config(PConfig.init().appKey(appKey).appSecret(appSecret).debug())
                .getResponse(request, SearchSubDeviceResponse.class);