List Generic Enumerate Meta Data

Get enumeration information of measurement points, attributes, metrics, and dimensions based on information such as object type or object identifier.

Request Format

GET/POST https://{api-gateway}/cds-meta-service/v1.0/enumerate

Request Parameters

Name Location Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
orgId Query Mandatory String The organization ID to which the data belongs. How to get orgId information >>
mdmType Query/Form Optional String The identifier of the object type to which the data belongs. Only one object type can be queried at a time.
mdmIds Query/Form Optional String The identifier of the object instance corresponding to the data. Multiple object instances are separated by commas. The number of object instances specified in a single query cannot exceed 100. All object instances must belong to an object type.
metaTypes Query/Form Mandatory String Metadata type currently supports measurement-point, attribute, metric, dimension. Separate multiple types with commas.
elements Query/Form Mandatory String The ID of the business object elements (measurement points, attributes, metrics, dimensions). Multiple business object elements are separated by commas. The number of business object elements specified in a single query cannot exceed 10.
locale Query/Form Optional String Chinese: zh-CN, English: en-US, Japanese: ja-JP, Spanish: es-ES. The default is en-US.
withI18n Query/Form Optional Boolean Whether to return complete internationalized content, true yes, false no return. Not returned by default.


mdmTypes and mdmIds are optional parameters, but at least one is required. If two parameters are specified at the same time, mdmIds will be used first.

Response Content Type

application/json; charset = UTF-8

Response Parameters

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
mdmType Definitely String The identifier of the object instance corresponding to the data.
mdmIds Conditionally String Metadata types, such as measurement points, attributes, metrics, and dimensions.
metaTypes Definitely String Metadata types, such as measurement points, attributes, indicators, and dimensions.
elements Definitely String ID of business object elements (measurement points, attributes, indicators, dimensions).
enumerate Definitely Map<String/enumerate key/, Enumerate Struct> Enumeration value information.

Enumerate Struct

Name To Return Definitely/Conditionally Data Type Description
name Definitely String The name of the enumeration value in the request language.
nameI18n Conditionally I18n Struct An internationalized name describing the enumeration value.


Request Sample

GET https://{api-gateway}/cds-meta-service/v1.0/enumerate?action=query&

Response Sample

                "metaType": "dimension",
                "element": "yourDimension",
                "enumerate": {
                    "yourEnumValue": {
                        "nameI18n": {
                            "defaultValue": "yourEnumValue",
                            "i18nValue": {}
                        "name": "yourEnumValue"
                    "yourEnumValue": {
                        "nameI18n": {
                            "defaultValue": "yourEnumValue",
                            "i18nValue": {}
                        "name": "yourEnumValue"
                "metaType": "measurementPoint",
                "element": "yourMeasurementPoint",
                "enumerate": {
                    "yourEnumValue": {
                        "nameI18n": {
                            "defaultValue": "yourEnumValue",
                            "i18nValue": {}
                        "name": "yourEnumValue"
                    "yourEnumValue": {
                        "nameI18n": {
                            "defaultValue": "yourEnumValue",
                            "i18nValue": {}
                        "name": "yourEnumValue"