Timer Boundary Event

The Timer Boundary Event is used to listen to a task to create a secondary path when the configured timer condition is met. The task may be terminated depending on whether the timer boundary event is set to be interrupting.


A boundary event must be attached to a User Task and can have only one outgoing path.


The following table describes the properties of the event.

Property Description
Event Type Define if the event is interrupting or non-interrupting. An interrupting event will stop the associated task, whereas a non-interrupting event will allow the associated task to continue and the process to flow through both primary and secondary paths.
Timer Type Specify when the secondary path is activated. You can activate the secondary path at a specific date and time, after a duration has elapsed, or at scheduled time slots.
Other timer properties Specify the timer details and the range of recurrence, if applicable. If the timer is configured to recur, the secondary path will be activated each time the timer is triggered.