Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services support system variables?

A: Yes. Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services support triggering time and business date variables, time-related variables, and non-time-related variables to achieve dynamic parameter transfer. For detailed information, see Supported System Variables.

Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services support resource isolation?

A: Yes. Currently, the resources used by the Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services are dynamically requested on demand. After data synchronization and Batch Data Processing jobs are completed, the resources can be released. The requested resources are completely isolated and do not affect each other.

Q: Does the Batch Data Processing service support distributed operation of multiple tasks?

A: Yes. When configuring the running mode of a Batch Data Processing task, you can specify the source of the distribution key to enable distributed operation of multiple tasks for enhancing running efficiency.

Q: Do Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services support alert configuration?

A: Yes. After configuring alert service for the Data Synchronization and Batch Data Processing services, the alert messages will be sent to the specified receivers through SMS or email upon running exception.

Q: Does the Batch Data Processing service support calling by external applications?

A: Yes. The Batch Data Processing service provides REST APIs for integration with external applications.

Q: Why does the status of a Batch Data Processing workflow remain Running when the running log shows that it is completed?

A: When the running of the last task node of the workflow is completed, the status of the workflow might remain Running because the workflow status is monitored and triggered by another process. The status change has a short latency.